What is the purpose of the salt in a tequila shot?!
What is the purpose of the salt in a tequila shot?
Why are you supposed to lick salt off your hand before having the tequila?
The salt and citrus (lime or lemon) is used to kill the aftertaste of the potent alcohol.
It makes it taste better!!!
in thw words of emril it "kicks it up a notch"
The salt offsets the twang and KICK of the tequila! It works too!
I think I will have me a shot tonight! (wink wink)
To wash away the taste.
Gives it a kick!
salt and alcholol makes the alchohol stronger!!!
it means youre too much of a wuss to handle the drink straight up. next time ditch the "training wheels" (salt and lime) and drink your medicine the right way
adds a little something extra...in my opinion, kind of takes some of the harshness away from the tequila.
supposedly cuts the bite of tequila. which in my opinion is a sissy way to drink tequila. if you drink good quality tequila, should be like a scotch or bourbon straight up with no additions needed.
why not sugar