Is brandy and cola your favourite alcoholic drink?!

Question: I was a teetotaller for 27 years and I've only been drinking for a few years. I've tried a few things but nothing comes close to brandy and cola. Anyone else have this as their favourite drink? Nobody else I know drinks it. A related question: I'm reluctant to drink a cola manufactured by a certain company, but so many pubs etc. only seem to stock this brand of cola. So is there any other brandy mixers I could try?

Answers: I was a teetotaller for 27 years and I've only been drinking for a few years. I've tried a few things but nothing comes close to brandy and cola. Anyone else have this as their favourite drink? Nobody else I know drinks it. A related question: I'm reluctant to drink a cola manufactured by a certain company, but so many pubs etc. only seem to stock this brand of cola. So is there any other brandy mixers I could try?

Brandy and Lemonade is nice, have you tried that?

I like a nice Gin and Tonic myself. If any pub serves it without ice and a slice then I don't bother going back there!

yuck! pernod and lemonade is way nicer.

i love brandy but must admit would never drink it with cola, brandy has to be drunk straight to get the full flavour of it. you kill it by adding cola to it.

fav is jack daniels on ice though.

I love brandy and coke, it has to be Coke though sorry!

try orange juice with brandy its lovely and cures a cold!

I prefer it neat as a special treat.

Sky and orange juice.

Eurrggh! I hate coke but brandy's ok. Fave drink is vodka and lemonade, I used to drink Southern Comfort and lemonade but it's a bit sickly. Have you tried brandy with lemonade?

PS The dog that lives in my local is called Brandy


only thing i drink with coke is dark rum.
Brandy is good with lemonade or ginger ale in a small quantity.
but if drinking courvoisier (i'd call it cognac but some will call it brandy) drink on it's own.

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