Why Do You Like Beer?!


Why Do You Like Beer?

My dads an alcoholic & a big loser to me all my life so I tried so many times to comprehend why he likes beer. I sure don't want to try it b.c I surely know it taste terrible!!!

Knowing that alcoholicism is one of the biggest addictions that destroy families than any other, I can't help but wonder whats the big deal about it. Why do a huge amount of ppl choose that route as an outlet?

I wish I could find out too, and I ask my husband the same thing but he says he just does.

Ohhhh...Because it tastes so good once it hits your lips.


People use alcohol to numb themselfs from pain in thier life. Sorry your dads addiction is hurting you so much. It does cause alot of people pain. I personally drink beer because I don't get angry when I'm drinking it, some do I guess. The main thing is stay away from all alcohol if you can, it is very addictive and does run in families. Bottom line, people that drink too much are hurting from something and use it to cover up.

When it comes down to it, beer is just another drink. Some people love fine wine, some drink swill. Some like fine beer, some drink anything.

The difference between your father and many others is that beer is an addiction. An addiction to alcohol.

I like beer, but not addicted to it. It reminds me of good parties and good times. Your mileage may vary

I enjoy the taste and the flavor, but not to the point where I drive the great porcelain bus.

Some people use alcohol as a crutch, like any other caliber of drug or need

Alcoholism is a great destroyer. However, most people do not have alcoholism and can safely use alcohol to enhance their enjoyment of life.

Beer is relaxing. It stimulates the appetite before a meal. It contains natural enzymes that promote health. People who drink moderately have longer and healthier lives than those who don't drink at all. It tastes good to beer drinkers. It is bubbly and makes you burp. Pizza is not the same without it.

I am so sorry that your dad is an alcoholic. That can have very negative influences on your life. I would encourage you to find s good Al-ateen meeting to attend regularly

Well, alcoholics don't drink because they like the taste of it.

Their bodies need it to feel "normal".
I live by the saying:
Man takes drink;
Drink takes drink;
Drink takes man.

I agree with you. Alcohol took my mother away from me 30 years ago, and caused so many problems in my life and definitely hers. I hate alcohol.

It destroys every good thing in a persons life. Their sanity, their friends, their family, their job, their reputation, their morality, their judgement, their honor, their life, and the lives of others.

I only enjoy one beer, which is called Carta Blanca. To me it is very refreshing, and I will drink maybe one a year.

The thing with alcohol is that it is legal, and is very easy to form a dependence on.

My mom was a social drinker for 8 years, then it grabbed hold of her, and she needed an extra drink after work. Then she needed 2 extra drinks, then 3.....after another 10 years, she was drinking 3 fifths of scotch a day, had lost her job, and was drinking all day.

10 years after THAT, she had epileptic seizures from permanent brain damage, hallucinations, and broken bones. She caught herself on fire, and kept drinking until she was diagnosed with cancer and had to go to the hospital to die.

I would be crazy to drink a lot, after witnessing an entire life of destruction. It is good that you have decided not to be like that either.

everyone goes all out on listing useless reasons on here let me break it down...it taste good, it gets ya drunk. thats it

First, I am sorry about your dad. My mother in law is an alcoholic, and it makes life hard for my wife and I.

I drink a fair amount of beer. I am not a fan of getting drunk, and I almost never do. I drink craft beer. I note the aromas, and the flavors, and the apperance of every beer I drink. To me beer is a work of art. You combine 4 ingredients, make some slight adjustments, and wait a few week,s and then you have a beer. You control the color, aroma, flavor and alcohol content. It is incredible

you know I love drinking beer. But I remeber when I first started i hated it. I would add sugar or what ever in hopes it tasting better. I agree with you it is a huge addiction. I have lost the biggest love of my life because I LOVE BEER. Its sad I know but damn beer just hits the spot. Plus its cheaper then liquer and less risky then other drugs. Its a way to forget the depression and a great way to celebrate. Hope I helped yeah!

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