Binge drinking, don't know when to stop?!

Question: I like a drink, to share a bottle of wine with friends, the problem is I don't know when to stop!
We'll start by sharing some wine&while they will have a certain limit and then switch to soft drinks/alternate between non&alcoholic, I carry on with wine. I don't plan to do this, I say I will have a couple of glasses&then switch to tonic but never do. I don't think I'm an alcaholic, I don't feel the need to drink everyday, I don't drink on my own or at home. I don't even go out every week. but every couple of weeks/3weeks I get together with the girls and I have way too much. The last couple of times there are big chucks missing on both nights and I realise how dangerous this is. I have always been like this since university. I used to drink beer&could handle this but stopped because of the cals. I love wine but this drink seems to be the main problem!
Please help, I'm thinking of being ttotal, I don't want to have to give up alcahol altogether but I really don't see any other way.

Answers: I like a drink, to share a bottle of wine with friends, the problem is I don't know when to stop!
We'll start by sharing some wine&while they will have a certain limit and then switch to soft drinks/alternate between non&alcoholic, I carry on with wine. I don't plan to do this, I say I will have a couple of glasses&then switch to tonic but never do. I don't think I'm an alcaholic, I don't feel the need to drink everyday, I don't drink on my own or at home. I don't even go out every week. but every couple of weeks/3weeks I get together with the girls and I have way too much. The last couple of times there are big chucks missing on both nights and I realise how dangerous this is. I have always been like this since university. I used to drink beer&could handle this but stopped because of the cals. I love wine but this drink seems to be the main problem!
Please help, I'm thinking of being ttotal, I don't want to have to give up alcahol altogether but I really don't see any other way.

switch to drinking spirits..

i used to drink wine and it would send me loopy mad even after a few glasses... i switched to spirits and i have been fine ever since

its ok to enjoy yourself once every 3 weeks i usually go out every week and get like that so dont worry.

just enjoy yourself

You need to give it up. You're a blackout drunk, which means you're taking your life in your hands when you well as the lives of everyone around you.

What happens when you wake up in bed with someone you don't remember, or there's bloodstains on your front bumper...or you just plain don't wake up?

Some people just aren't meant to be drinkers. You've dodged the bullet so far, but that's not guaranteed. Don't lie to yourself about moderation (you've lied to yourself repeatedly -- "I say I will have a couple...but never do"). You need to just STOP.

No drinks from friends, no "just one," etc. It all counts, and you can't handle it.

its real bad sweetie.
stop it. dont even start.
have alittle then drink an energy drink when u go for more alcohol.

Only take a little money and refuse drinks bought by other people. You can't drink what you don't have money for.

just enjoy yaself ure not an alki u just want a gd drink wiv ur m8s as llong as theyre wiv u and ure all togeva then i dont see this as a problem jst try and slow down a bit on your drinking ???

I know what you mean - I either have nothing to drink, or I have many to drink - I can't just have 2 drinks & stop there - it's either all or nothing lol. The only thing I can do is suggest you *make* yourself have a glass of water after an alcoholic drink...can you ask your friends to help you out with this?...if they get the drinks in then ask them at the beginning of the night to buy you non-alcoholic ones when they have non-alcoholic ones...
It just takes will power (which can be difficult after a few!) but unless you want to want to be T-total, you're going to have to take control.

Hey Babe most of us like a drink, but binge drinking is really dangerous for you, not only could you end up with liver damage, you are getting to the point of brain shut down which means you haven't got a clue what you are doing and are putting yourself in a very dangerous situation.

My advice would be, when you are with your friends pour a glass of wine and a glass of water or a soft drink and alternate them throughout the evening, you will still have a lot of fun, still get merry but most of all you will be in better control of yourself.

Good Luck n Have SAFE FUN Xx

Nip the problem in the bud now and you will have a long and happy life, continue and it will only get worse. Alcoholism is a progressive chronic disease with no cure. Switching drinks is only a temporary solution. Read chapters 2 and 3 from the link below and then have a think. Ignore the religious aspect, the belief is in a higher power as you see it.

this is a form of alcoholism, like it or not. you just need to stay away from alcohol. you can't have "just one or two" or limit yourself. once you start you lose the control to stop. this is not good... quit now before it causes you trouble.

There really is no other way because you lose all control. If you lose control, and can't stop drinking, then you have a serious problem. Alcoholics will tell you that you are an alcoholic. The reason for this is the fact that you cannot stop once you start. You lose all self control and drink till you lose chunks of time from your memory.

It seems from your question that you seem to think wine is the problem and that drinking is not. This may be the case but, you are showing some signs that are dangerous to you. Try this if you are not wanting to stop drinking. Switch to beer. Keep tabs on how much you consume and how many times a week you have blackouts. If this continues I recommend giving up drinking. This may not be what you want to hear.

**** it sucks but you have to quit look around at old alchs busted with baggage no stoppin but it sucks u will not regret it when you look at the big picture a year or two from now

I used to drink alot, have memory loss of nights out.. smoke alot.. When i gave up smoking, i stopped drinking aswell.. I have a drink occasionally and enjoy it more. But i find i don't really go out that much either, so isn't as much of a prob now.. Having black outs, of nights out is a major thing, stop drinking or you could find yourself waking up somewhere you don't remember getting too. Is a sign babe!! Realising and feeling like you need to do something about it is good!

I would say have an "all or none" philosophy until you can learn to set a limit ... until then, you'll start out with the intention of only having one or two drinks, but alcohol lowers your inhibitions, so it may make it harder to stick to your original plan.

Or, have a close friend, whom you trust be your "guardian" and help you make the transition from wine to soda and make sure you don't drink too much.

Another suggestion is to do things that don't involve alcohol, that way if you are not tempted, you won't drink

You can stop my dear.. I did. Every time i got drunk, something stupid happened. My body is happy for it. I look so much better and feel so much better. I get criticized for not drinking even from my sister, but I will live longer.. than she. First of all change your friends if they make fun of you. They not worth it. People are not your friends when they're not proud of an achievement in one's life.

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