Is their anyone in the UK who actually likes to drink budweiser?!

Question: In the words of jeremy clarkson "i would rather blowtorch my nipples off" than drink budweiser

Some people have told me that it is the worlds best selling beer....however its not a beer its a lager. Bitter being beer.

Answers: In the words of jeremy clarkson "i would rather blowtorch my nipples off" than drink budweiser

Some people have told me that it is the worlds best selling beer....however its not a beer its a lager. Bitter being beer.

Its a bit like the sh*t they dish up in McDonald's, the Brits are obsessed with everything American (even after they try it for some reason).
Its like most things American, bland and tasteless.

Hi,i cannot stand

No - hate the stuff -

It's like licking a square battery...Stella!

I imagine that Bud is the worlds best selling beer because Americans drink so much of it! lol! Personally, I can't stand the stuff - has no flavor at all. But I'm the kind of girl that likes dark, thick beers, such as ales and porters and such. I love the quote you used, by the way! Cheers!

if you mean the american beer - that's not even beer. the real budweiser is one of the best czech beers which actually comes from a place called budweis (that's the german name for ceske budejovice). unfortunatelly americans rule the world and so they are allowed to called their "beer" budweiser. try budvar (that's the czech's delicious)

I wouldn't touch it. However, it sells a lot at night clubs in England.

Couple who live next door to me drink nothing else, I find that Stella gives me the king of all hangovers, Miller's or Beck's is my favourite but find Bud to sweet for my taste.

whatever pub or shop has the best deal for bottles. it ain t a bad lager beer doesnt go down as easy as carling but its stronger by almost 1%. i cant imagine jeremy clarkson to ba a lager drinker, he looks more like an ales man.

i love becks, not veir, but the bottle it tastes weedy if you know what i mean lol

Thousands of people drink it in the UK. Lager is a type of beer originating from northern Europe, Germany etc, where a lot of immigrants to America came from, hence their traditional fondness for this style of beer.
Although I do enjoy an ale or bitter, I'm quite partial to a Budweiser occasionally. It has a decent strength and good body for a lager, though with a sweetness that borders on being a little too sickly.
Having said that, I'm not one of those posers who drink it in the pub, straight from the bottle. £2.50+ for a half of lager? No thanks.

I think its good. Quite light. I don't get a headache after a few like some other lagers which are packed full of chemicals

No, it's pis.s water.
Try Budvar it's what Budweiser tried to rip off

Beer is the umbrella term that covers the whole lot, all the way from light lagers all the way up to the darkest of ales.

Also, I drink Bud sometimes, but usually with a meal as it's light and refreshing. It's not a beer that I would choose in a bar or a pub in a drinking session.

There is a brand of beer over here in the US that is truly superb, and it's a shame that it's not sold overseas because it would go a long way to cancelling out the whole "ALL American beer is weak crap" thing. It's Sam Adams, and it's really that good. I choose it pretty much all the time when I go out.

As far as major label American beers go, it's the only one I like. Coors and Miller, the other two major brews, are absolutely awful. I personally love Sam Adams, Red Hook, Sweetwater, and a number of other U.S. Microbrews.

However as much as I love Sam Adams, it is too heavy for a hot day. Especially at an outdoor barbecue when the temps are well over 90F. Unlike the UK, summertime temps in the U.S. are sweltering so it's not surprising that we Americans tend to favor lighter beers, especially in the summertime.

Also, like all American beers, they are meant to be consumed at very cold temperatures and don't taste as good when served at warmer temps.

P.S. Take whatever Jeremy Clarkson says abut the US with a grain of salt. He is a snob. He especially hates the US and all things American. I think something crawled up his @ss (@rse) and died. Whatever it was, it must be have big considering how many opinions he has pulled from said @ss.

It's insipid rubbish.
A great drink is Guinness. It's full of character, creamy,subtle after-taste, and it does you good, too.
So no, I wouldn't thank you for a Bud.f

I like it :)

I don't think it's the worlds best seller, but I'd say it should be in the top 10.

i went to the bud factory at busch gardens about 15 years ago and we were told that during the process a bleach formula was pumped through the beer to rid any excess germs, whether this is true or not i wont say but it's still a naff lager, if you like foreign beers try sam adams, boston beer or san francisco steam ale, both available in UK from specialist offies and sometimes Tescos

Apparently I spent a whole night drinking it once at a keg party, but I wasn't aware it was Bud at the time - can't have been too bad or I'd have had some complaints. From what I can remember it was just a pretty average beer.
Some American beers are okay - I like a cold Coors on a summers day, it's a little sweeter than most beers, and nice and refreshing.
But nothing beats Corona, the unbeatable beer in my eyes. With a little slice of lime, sorted. Yum. Stella is a close second, even if it is branded the "wifebeater" beer here in the UK. ;)

With all the great brews in the UK, I can't imagine anyone there having a Bud.

In the US with all the great microbrews, a don't understand why people drink Bud. I attribute it to people paying too much attention to commercials.

Some would argue that Bud isn;t even a beer.

It's the biggest-selling beer in the world for no matter how hammered you are, you can still order one.

"What do you want?"


"You want two Buds?"

This year marks the 100th anniversary of one of the longest-running trademark disputes in the world, the battle between Anheuser-Busch and Budvar over the Budweiser name.
I don't like either

Budweiser, is a tasteless brew, much drunk by our American cousins! Now being drunk by silly youngsters in the UK just because the advertisements suggest it's "cool" to drink it, it's not, as it tastes like P1ss! (not that I can remember drinking p1ss) So youngsters, drink real ale! you'll be glad you did!

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