Is this too much drink?!


Is this too much drink?

im relatively small for my age (17) and i usually drink around 4 vodka and whatevers (coke/cranberry) when i go out.

is thi too much?

and yes i know im not 18 yet, in november

Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we may be dead.

Over what time period? Over 6 hours of the evening, no that's fine, but if you only pop out for half an hour, then maybe that is too much.

Depends how often you go out doesn't it - once a week then no it is fine - if you go out every day, lunch and then at night and do it - then that is too much - way to much


It depends on your body weight and metabolism. If you are small, say 105 lbs, 4 shots is a lot in quick succession, but over 3 or 4 hours, doable.

I think it depends on how many times you go out and if they aer doubles etc, I'm not sure if it would be classed as "Binge drinking" though!

shouldnt drink underage wish i knew who to turn you in too you wouldnt get another drink until you was 21

Technically, 4 vodka singles is 4 units, and the recommended weekly allowance for women is 14. So it depends how often you are going out.

However I sometimes drink over the male limit and feel fine, and sometimes drink under and think im pushing it! It depends how you feel after that alcohol and whether you feel you are still in control (or as in control as you would like to be!!) I guess as long as you feel safe enough on 4 then thats fine!! Enjoy yourself :) (and don't get caught!) !


would say that is not too bad if its not every night, maybe once a week and spread over a 4 hour period

in my opinion no...........that's fine.....just make sure that you dont get in trouble for doing so!!
tc hun.. xx

no if four is your limit then ok but dont go to silly i used to drink more than that when i went out

wel if u dont feel piss ed den its not enough - if u do den it is

Hope dis helps

knock the spirits on the head and keep to the beer. ive been drinking for 20 years and can sink a 24 pack in a single sitting. i started off on 8 beers when i was 15. the more spirits you drink the more immune you'll become. by age 25 you might be knocking back a bottle of vodka a day. spirits kill. stick to beers, enjoy the night not dreading the morning after.

I would be more worried that you're drinking at all. If getting plastered is the only way you can see to have fun...then you need to redefine the word 'fun' and take a damned good look at where you're headed. Booze hurts all of you, and did you know it is a great way to turn you into a puffy, slurring idiot? Stick to sodas babes, and just watch everyone else make fools of themsleves, think of the blackmail material you'll have. *Smiles*

Sounds like a lot to me. I know it may be fun sometimes but you really should wait until you are 21 and then keep it in moderation. A small, young female will go over the legal limit with as little as one drink per hour regardless of type. There is no real good reason to risk going to jail and losing privilages like driving just to be doing whatever you want.

It depends on how much Vodka is in the drink. If it is only a shot, then it is probably not too much. If it is like 80% of the drink then maybe you should cut back. It is different for every person. If your body can handle it, then it is not too much, but if you pass out, throw up, or black out, then try to be carefull.

My brother was an alcoholic before he turned 17. However, I was drinking 5ths of Whiskey every night at that age, and I was fine. Everyone is different.

Well, that depends on how fast you drink them and over how long a period of time. I think that the rule is one drink per hour. I would ask yourself why you are drinking 4 drinks though. More than a few drinks per week can cause liver damage and make you prone to becoming an alcoholic. Please think about having one or two drinks, or not drinking at all since you are not of legal age!! Also, starting a drinking habit so young just makes drinking seem like not a big deal and maybe you continue to drink more and more. If you have alcoholics in your family, you should think twice about your alcohol consumption. If your friends/boys don't like you because you aren't drinking, get new ones.

y d hell do u giv a toss? u dnt, u show u dnt by breakin the law n drinking under age. congratulations on KNOWING ur under age...why dnt u do what us law abiding ppl do n wait until ur 18th? 2 late now really...i mean u've ruined ur 18th bday party already

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