What's the most alcoholic shots you've ever taken?!

Question: I took 28 of 70proof Captain, can u beat that?

ps- im done with captain, just the sight of it makes me wanna kill someone

Answers: I took 28 of 70proof Captain, can u beat that?

ps- im done with captain, just the sight of it makes me wanna kill someone

I pounded a fifth of crown one time. I had a 4 day hangover.

idk, however many is in a fifth of jose cuervo. with salt and lime!!!yummy

Ive drank half a bottle of captain. Its not that strong to me.... Try taking 10 shots of goldschlagger!

By this question...I am guessing you are quite young...
I have NEVER been to a party (as an adult) where this was a question, a dare, a bet OR a display...
As you mature, you will find that this is NOT something people "brag" about...
You are lucky you didn't give yourself alcohol poisoning...
You can DIE from that, you know...just ask my 18 year step-son...oh wait, you can't, he's been in Heaven for two years...
Being sloppy drunk is NOT, attractive, fun (especially the next day), "cool", or using good judgement.
Am I being tough on you? You bet...wish someone had been with my stepson....

the equivalent of 30 shots of alcohol....
..over a liter of sailor jerry...12 pack of blue moon...and 2 6 packs of mad hatter....

i honestly dont remember it;....but id do it again...

For my 24th birthday, I sat at a bar all day with friends and ended up drinking 14 Long Island iced-teas. I passed out at the bar in the "24 beer bar stance" with my head on the bar and slumped forward on my stool. I had alcohol poisoning for 3 days and don't remember anything past 1:30pm to 3:00am that day. Good times!!!

honestly its nothing if you take it in a long time span, i can take shots all day long and not feel a thing. 28 in 3-4 hours (bad) 28 in like 10 hours....28 doesnt seem like such a big number, especially concidering body weight and tolerance. Im not impressed. And nor would i ever try to beat it. Ive taken 3 double shots of turantula tequila thats 6 shots in 15 minutes and i only weighed about oh say 100 pounds. NO BUENO, spend the rest of the night by the toilet. NEVER AGAIN!

Well lets see.... There was th time when a friend and myself sat down with a bottle of Cuerevo gold and in 20 minutes each had 10 double shots ( or at least that is what I could equate it to it was the bottom inch of a 32 oz glass!) , another time a freind and myself drank 650ml of Trul Absentium (75 proof and 35 mg/kg Tjuoine) in around an hour. Or the wedding i went to and the bestman had 20 Kamikazes in an hour (I had 15). Or maybe just that 2 year period when I was just happily trashed!

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