14 year old drunk?!


14 year old drunk?

my friend is drunk rite now. he had 2 shots of whiskey and a budweiser i am afraid that his parents are going to come back soon how long does it take to go away. PLEASE HELP!!!!!


14 yrs old and getting drunk, he's going far in life

It depends on how long it normally takes him to have the alcohol go through his system. It varies from person to person, so there's really no straight answer.

Throw water on his head. It ussaly helps.

water, vitamins and coffee and 1 hour

You can't do anything about it.
It's already in his system.
Have him drink plenty of water.
The best thing to do for him right now is lay him on his side if he falls asleep so he wont vomit and choke.
Check and make sure he is breathing though.
Try not to let him falll asleep though.


At 14, instead of worrying about his parents finding out, you should call them (or call your own parents) and get that kid to a hospital, NOW! 14 is WAY too young to be drinking, and at that level your friend could become very ill, or even permanently injured or dead as a result of alcohol poisoning!
There is a reason the drinking age is 21; it's so your body has had time to grow to the point where alcohol won't harm you the way it can when you're a child.
After this incident is over with, have a LONG talk with your friend, and BOTH OF THE PARENTS, yours and his, and nip his drinking in the bud. If his parents don't want to do anything about it, REPORT THEM to your local Department of Social Services or Child Welfare Department.

How fast your body metabolizes alcohol depends on many factors. Get your friend to drink plenty of water to keep him hydrated.

If he is already getting drunk at age 14, he needs some help. It is very hard to be a friend and get him help without betraying his confidence. So it may be best for his
parents to come home and find him this way. If this doesn't happen and you want to get your friend some help: try talking to your parents if you have parents who are willing to listen to you or try talking to your school counselor.

911 this instance!!!!!!!!!

A healthy person will metabolise one alcoholic beverage per hour. That is one shot liquor, one beer or one 4oz. glass of wine.
If he keeps drinking the healthy part of that equation will go away.

everyone is on about calling an ambulence, i dout its that bad, hes only had 2 shots of whisky and a bottle of bud, just prop him upright and give him water, and feed him some food to soak up all the alchol, a kabab would do nicly, but if not some slices of toast i find woks just as good.

just ahve him rest for like a couple of days and take him to the doctors ofice or the hospital and it will not tak that long

Here's what you do...Give him the keys to someone's car. ANYONE'S car. He'll be fine. Tell him to drive downtown and back. The faster the better. The only thing that gets alcohol out of your system faster than driving fast is having your girlfriend tell you she's pregnant.

I'm sorry your friend got drunk but the only way to speed up the body's process of getting rid of alcohol in your system is time and if you exercise. If you exercise it gets your body motivated to burn calories and may help in getting it out of his system. I have worked as an alcohol and drug counselor and I have never found anything else that helps. I would get rid of the alcohol and I would just let him get in to trouble. I know kids experiment with alcohol so maybe you could approach his parents that way. Say that you were experimenting with alcohol, you were smart enough to do it at home and not at someone elses place, that you weren't out driving or at a party. Maybe they will be more lenient if you approach it that way.

Make sure that you keep an eye on your friend, keep him lying on his side. If people fall asleep on their backs they can die choking on their own vomit. An he may have a ba reaction to the alcohol he drank and could get alcohol poisoning. So keep an eye on him or have his parents do that.

Just be careful because someone your size can't really drink that much alcohol without getting yourself sick. What he drank is what normal adults drink and it affects adults alot so imagine what's going on in your friends body. Plus you two aren't use to tolerating that much alcohol. Maybe you guys can make a deal with your parents that the next time you feel like trying alcohol you will let them know an you will do it in a safe place like you did this time. Don't rush growing up, you will miss the best part of life if you are always trying to do things older people do.

For me I foun that drinking isn't that fun. If you think about it this way- if you have to chug the drink because you don't like the taste of it then why are you drinking it? I tried alcohol for the first time at your age. I started drinking heavily when I went in to the Army over in Germany. What I found is that I drank for the effect not the taste. I liked how it made me feel, made me forget my problems. Made me forget them but they were always still there.

Sorry, but it pretty much just takes time. Drinking water does help because it will clear the alcohol from the body a little quicker. I seriously doubt that he needs to go to the hospital. Having a few drinks of alcohol at the age of 14 isn't that darn serious. My goodness, did anybody else go to high school?

Am i the only one who doesn't think this is some kind of medical emergency. he had two shots and a beer it's practically impossible to get alcohol poisoning from that even if he's never drank before. yes, 14 is too young to start drinking heavily because he'll be burned out by the time he's about 18 years old or become an alcoholic but the whole alcohol poisoning thing is ridiculous, he just needs to wait until it wears off and go to sleep

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