Peach Schnapps?!

Question: I bought a bottle of Archers Peach Schnapps yesterday but it is most definitely off!! It smells and tastes sort of burnt. It's not the mixer or the glasses as they are fine and you can smell from the bottle the drink is off. The shop I got it from doesn't give there anything i can do? I've emailed Archers with the batch number and waiting to hear if maybe it was a dodgy one but I'm guessing I have no comeback with the shop?

Answers: I bought a bottle of Archers Peach Schnapps yesterday but it is most definitely off!! It smells and tastes sort of burnt. It's not the mixer or the glasses as they are fine and you can smell from the bottle the drink is off. The shop I got it from doesn't give there anything i can do? I've emailed Archers with the batch number and waiting to hear if maybe it was a dodgy one but I'm guessing I have no comeback with the shop?

shop can make a refund, but it is not their responsibility if the product is faulty. it it Archer's sole responsibility to deal with the matter. when shops get a supply from the wholeseller they cannot physically check it the poduct is up to standard without trying it...
try to exchange, it's your right. highlight that there is no receipt. the most what the shop owner can do is to replace the product and then send the old one to wholeseller who will send it to distribudor, who will send it to manufacturer.
how ever contacting the manufacturer gives you more benefits

i would wait for a reply from archers - if it was an off batch - you're looking at a lot of free alcohol.. woowohoo! :D

Your sale is a contract between you and the shop, and it is illegal that they do not provide you with a receipt. Do you have any proof of purchase, like a carrier bag, or will they remember you?

check the date. this is very odd. you realise its not suppost to taste like an alcopop right. i cant drink it straight as it s too overpowering. t ry it again with some good lemonade. i dont think it would be able to go off... just my suggestion

take it back to the shop they might change it and if you dont ask you will never know

I would take it back to the shop anyway - if they say they can't do anything without proof of purchase, point out that you are unable to do so as they do not give receipts

The shop are liable for a refund if the product is not up to scratch . All shops should give you a till receipt as how else would they be able to produce accounts for the VAT man etc .
Give the manufactures a couple of days , but the shop MUST accept responsibility for selling dodgy goods and I might be tempted anyway to report them to the local authority for not providing till receipts
By the way if you mix Archers ( good quality !!) with equal measure Vodka and top up with cranberry juice , loads of ice and fruit , it makes a great cocktail

You soon will have so much schnapps that you will be tipsy!!!

A naughty way of doing something about it, is to go back to the shop and buy another bottle of schnapps, ask for a receipt then take back the 'off' bottle. They won't be able to prove which one is which. The only down side is that the next bottle might not be any better, but then you'd be no worse off than you are now. Like I say, it is a bit naughty.

You can make your own much more cheaply!

All it is, is Korn and peach juice. Just mix it 50:50 and freeze!

In fact you can do this with many mixes, like Korn and Applejuice.

Make your own alcoholic smoothies!.......... the basis of most fruity cocktails!

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