Is Heineken a good tasting beer?!

Question: I'm deciding which beer to try for my first and I'm wondering if heineken is worth trying.

Answers: I'm deciding which beer to try for my first and I'm wondering if heineken is worth trying.

Heineken is the type of beer that you settle for if absolutely nothing better is available. It shouldn't be a first beer, and neither should something like Bud, Bud Light, Miller, Miller Light, Coors, Coors Light, or Corona (or any other macrobrew that sacrifices quality for profits).

If you are on the East Coast, you'll easily find a brew called Yuengling. It's not too bitter (hops), and it's not too sweet (malts), with just enough carbonation to make it interesting without being overwhelming. It is a simple, well-balanced beer that will give you a great first experience.

An ale would also be a good first beer. I would avoid a pale ale as your first's high hops content and alcohol content make it a potent beer, and something you ought to work up to.

What's really important about ales though is what style they are. There are red ales (like Smithwick's Irish Ale) and brown ales (such as Newcastle) that are darker, heavier beers, but are also very smooth and enjoyable. The two I mentioned are the best of the style, but even a microbrew will generally have something comprable to those. Microbrews are a good way to go as a first time (just a hint).

I hope this helps.

My son loves it. But I think it tastes like salt. Way too much salt. But that's just my taste buds. You could try going to a convenience store or liquor store and picking up one bottle of 6 different beers. Give 'em a taste test to see what you like.

it's not bad. I'd drink a Yuengling as my first beer. Its smooth and full of flavor. Of course i had Milwaulkee's Best as my first beer so maybe i should say much

Heineken is brewed with a lot of hops, giving it a distinctive herbal flavor. Some people liken it to the skunky smell of artisan grade weed. Some people like it, some don't. Since you're just becoming acquainted with beer, try the gamut (just not all at once). Beer is an acquired taste. There are many varieties of beer (ale, lager, stout, etc) and MANY breweries that make them. Through trying various types and brands, eventually you will hone in on what appeals to you most.

Yeah, i like it, its not bad at all

First off,

OK, so that means that you have a 91% chance of picking any other beer and it will be rated higher. Doesn't mean you'll like it better. Some of my friends have said Tsingtao is a Chinese Heineken, I think they're right -- that rated 10th percentile. I had a sip of the Tsingtao, it was horrible but I'd prefer not to drink the whole bottle.

I've been thinking about the 40 odd different beers I've had in the last 5 months or so, and of them all the one I'd reccomend first is Newcastle. It's a brown ale, but it doesn't taste dark. It's still sorta watery, so it's not thick like Guinness or a stout would be. It's well balanced between malts and hops, so it's not too bitter. It's not going to taste like crap like bud/miller/coors would (they actually use corn, and rice instead of malted barley, which is traditional for beer -- and the only way Germans allow beer to be made, by law). It's also not complex, so don't feel like you're missing out on some subtle flavors. One of my friends who absolutely hates beer said Newcastle was pretty good.

Plus, you can find it almost anywhere, it's the #1 selling beer in supermarkets in the US.

I first had a Sam Adams Summer Ale, I wouldn't reccomend that. It's not bad, I've had better, but it's just not a beginner beer.

I would advise you to just simply avoid all Bud/Miller/Coors and Corona products. I've never had them, but I know I'm not missing anything.

It all depends on your point of reference.
Your taste, what you think taste good.
I have tasted beers from all over the world and I have had a lot of good beers and a lot of bad beers.
So you have to taste and decide for yourself.
I like Heineken but it is not my favorite beer.
There are many beers higher on the list than Heineken but even more on the list lower than Heineken.
So good luck on your first beer, I take it you will be of legal age.

If I had it to do over again, I would drink Anchor Steam as my first beer.
Before Heineken I would try Pilsner Urquell, same taste just a little better.
But hey, heineken may be in Dad's fridge, it will be fine!
If you are a real wuss, they make all sorts of flavored beers.

Heineken is a really nice beer to start with.
Its light so the taste is better and less bitter.
One point to remember, darker beers have higher calories and are more bitter.
Other good options
- Stella Artoise
- Hoegaarden
- Corona Light
- Dos Equis
- Sapporo

I'd strongly suggest against Heineken. In general, and in my humble opinion, beers in green bottles are to be avoided as the skunkiness factor is fairly high (that is, it smells and tastes a bit "off").

Go with a light lager of some sort. Perhaps a Mexican beer like Dos Equis. Put a lime in it. If that sounds offensive, then try a malty style ale like Samuel Adams or a red ale like Killians. Newcastle would also work.

Bottom line, stay away from green bottle beers and beers that are really hoppy for first timers.


heineken is my favorite beer. try it. heineken light is good too.

If you're just starting out drinking beer, you should try a number of different kinds. There are different types of beers, that have distinctive styles and tastes based on how they are fermented/brewed.

The mainstream American beers are all fairly watered down and light in color (Bud, Coors, Miller, etc). Generally darker colored beers have a bolder taste. And then again, some pale ales have very strong tastes as well.

It all will come down to what your taste is, and that will determine if you will think that Heineken is good or not. I personally enjoy it, but there are plenty of beers that are better. If you really want to become a beer expert, go to a local micro brew and talk to them, try all the different beers you can, and get some books on beer.

it is good, very good

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