What is wrong with being a fuctional drunk? im happy!?!

Question: i only ask because now days if you drink at all people say you have a drinking problem,i have no problem i drink get drunk have fun no problem!

Answers: i only ask because now days if you drink at all people say you have a drinking problem,i have no problem i drink get drunk have fun no problem!

Nothing.. I love getting drunk along with the other millions of people... Screw anyone else who gives you **** for drinking... people are too uptight today.

Cool. Alcohol will shrink your brain though. Look it up.

as long as your not driving i could care less.

hey, if your happy dont worry about what other people say

well being a functional drunk could lead to being a not-so-functional drunk with liver, etc. problems

i'm just saying...

You're functional and not hurting anyone?.....You're cool.

Clearly a case of justifying stupid and dangerous behavior.

People say it because you are not supposed to get "drunk". That's when the problem begins.

If you black out, drink uncontrollably or have personal problems because of it, you might have an issue with alcoholism. Your friends can tell you if they are worried . . . and you would have a clue about it. It sounds like people are telling you that you have a drinking problem. I would listen to them.

Nothing wrong, but you should stop if you enjoy the use of your liver.

It's only a drinking problem if the drinking becomes a problem. Relationship, health, etc...

However, if people are claiming its becoming a problem, you may need to step back and take a look.

Ultimately, it's up to you.

well you feel happy now but the next morning your head will heart

as long as you are not doing anything...ie surgery or driving...that would put me or anybody else at risk...who cares?

Well, you are hurting your liver which will make you more prone to other diseases related to that.

If you have a family and your desire for alcohol is greater than the desire to spend time with your family - thats a problem.

If you ever get behind the wheel after drinking - thats a huge problem.

If you are underage and already asking this question - you are quickly going to go from functional to out of control.

Drinking is fine. Have one or two drinks on the weekend. Don't let it control your life.

you know i was wondering the same thing

It simple, constantly drinking until your drunk could eventually kill you. You could get alcohol poisoning or get in an accident if you drive while under the influence.

Yay! Me too...will you PLEASE explain this to my wife?

In the DSM- IV- TR , there's a classification call substances abuse related disorders. You are classified as a alcohol dependant and is affecting your behavior. What you thing that is "socializing" drinking the quantities that you are drinking, is an alcohol abuse

You must feel that there is a possibility of a problem or you wouldn't have asked. That means there may very well be a problem. Alcohol drinking is not a problem. Over drinking is.
Do you feel you need a drink to have fun, to be able to socialize, to have one every day? One a day is approved by just about all physicians. even good for you. 6 or more, drinking until you can't stand, puke or pass out. Definitely not good. have to be buzzed or feeling good all the time? need help. Talk to AAA, alcoholics anonymous, they are real good at answering questions and not judgmental and if you finally decide you have a problem they are about the best at helping you overcome you alcohol problem. The local minister is very good also, God bless and hope I helped.

as long as your responsible with it then its okay to endulge. the question is what is the line between moderation and excessive. it depends on how drunk you get and how often you drink. why you do it. it doesnt take a lot for alcohol to start affecting your liver. ive seen man people die from liver failure and it didnt seem like they drank all that much or do it for a long time. i also have no problem getting drunk, but now if i do i try to give my body time to heal up and detox before doing it again. like Aristole said "excess in all things is the undoing of men."

Once you cross that invisible line your stuck for life. Tiz true we all had fun infact that was the big lie. So many did it for you, jails, institutions and death! please believe.

everything's cool till you start waking up with unexplained injuries that you can't remember incurring the evening prior, or you wake up in a jail cell....or in my case, both in the same night. just don't overdo it, and if you're gonna get hammered, have someone else drive.

I agree. If you can pay your bills, perform your job, meet all of your obligations, etc and you don't hurt/injur/kill anyone or are a huge burden on anyone/society, then I say do whatever makes you happy.

Nothing. Most everyone I know is an alcoholic or lying about it.

I am a functional drunk too. let's go party if you live in the bay area, haha :)

I think somewhere along the lines people started to be taught that you just shouldn't drink. This also explains the underage drinking problem the US has, that so many other countries don't. In the US we are taught not to drink, always say "No." If anyone actually took that advice, why is there such a large business in alcohol in the US? Why are all our sports sponsored by a beer company?

So, in the US when people actually start drinking they haven't learned anything about what a drink is, how many you can have, what you will experience and importantly, when to stop. You get underage kids with alcohol poisoning, or driving and killing someone (maybe themselves -- and yes, it is their fault, but no they didn't deserve it).

This unrealistic expectation that you shouldn't drink is what causes many people to call people who drink on a semi-regular basis alcoholics. Compare that to the UK where the government actually has a guideline that says you should not exceed 21 drinks per week for men, 3 per day. If you drink 3 drinks every day, you wouldn't be an alcoholic there according to the government. For women I think its 14 drinks a week, 2 per day.

I'm in college, so you have to drink a whole lot to be called an alcoholic.

What your question really gets at is a more fundamental social issue -- what do kids get taught and where are they learning it from? You can bet no school system would ever teach children that drinking any amount of alcohol under any circumstance at any point in your life, legal or otherwise, is acceptable. It also seems that moderately religious families teach the same, but may include a very very very rare exception, of course it's a major holiday in the religion, but any other day for most people.

Winston Churchill and Ulysses Grant were in the same club.

I really despise this whole rehab culture we've developed. It's as if anyone who gets drunk at all is automatically labeled an alcoholic. I personally like having one or two drinks a night.

But that said, heavy drinking can take it's toll on your health, so be careful not to develop a dependency. If you don't like the way you are drinking, there are options besides the cult of Alcoholics Anonymous. You can try moderation management.

So take it easy every once in a while.

i think i love you baby girl

i was functioning for years then i crossed the line and became a full fledged alcoholic please get help if you think you have a problem

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