Why don't I like to drink?!

Question: I grew up in a household where my parents rarely drank. In high school, I was one of the 'good kids'. We weren't interested in alcohol, getting drunk or anything illegal like that. Yeah - no drugs, no alcohol.

I still don't like to drink and do it so rarely that I forget when I drank last. For instance, I had a beer on Halloween...but before that...jeez...it must have been sometime midsummer. Before that, early spring.

I just don't like the taste of alcohol (except for ***** beer, that is) or the way I feel the next day. I hate puking and drunk people rather annoy me.

Now, recreational drugs are another matter. I'd much rather smoke a bowl than crack open a cold bottle of beer and would rather pop some ecstasy than drink a bunch of hard-A and get wasted. (i DON'T make a habit of drugs, though!)

I just find this both ironic and strange.

Am I rejecting one of the greatest American pastimes for college kids - getting drunk?
Does anyone have any insight as to why I'm not into it much?

Answers: I grew up in a household where my parents rarely drank. In high school, I was one of the 'good kids'. We weren't interested in alcohol, getting drunk or anything illegal like that. Yeah - no drugs, no alcohol.

I still don't like to drink and do it so rarely that I forget when I drank last. For instance, I had a beer on Halloween...but before that...jeez...it must have been sometime midsummer. Before that, early spring.

I just don't like the taste of alcohol (except for ***** beer, that is) or the way I feel the next day. I hate puking and drunk people rather annoy me.

Now, recreational drugs are another matter. I'd much rather smoke a bowl than crack open a cold bottle of beer and would rather pop some ecstasy than drink a bunch of hard-A and get wasted. (i DON'T make a habit of drugs, though!)

I just find this both ironic and strange.

Am I rejecting one of the greatest American pastimes for college kids - getting drunk?
Does anyone have any insight as to why I'm not into it much?

There's nothing wrong with not liking to drink. I don't drink either. If you don't want to drink there's no reason why you should. I know it can seem difficult when all of your friends go out drinking and you don't; but you can always have a Coca-Cola or ginger ale instead. And if you don't like to go to bars or drunken parties; there's no reason why you should. Yes, getting drunk is part of the college experience for many students, but it doesn't mean that it has to be part of YOUR college experience.

Does your college have a wellness, alcohol free, or substance free dorm? Perhaps you would like to consider moving into in next semester. There, you will be living with people who don't drink alcohol, and so you won't have as much pressure to drink. I lived in a wellness dorm when I was in college, and I had a great experience there. I made lots of friends with the other students in my dorm; and I am still very close with most of them today.

I am also proud to say that I went through four years of campus life without once passing out, puking (except when I was genuinely sick), getting written up for alcohol possession, waking up in the morning and not knowing where I was, hooking up with someone I really didn't want to, going to the hospital for alcohol possesion, doing something I regretted later because I was intoxicated, or trashing someone else's property. How many college graduates can say the same? If you don't drink, either, you'll be among the few who can.

Also, drinking alcohol makes you gain lots of weight. I have heard that if you drink a lot and then exercise the next day; you'll still gain more weight than if you never drank in the first place. People who frequently drink and then give up alcohol often lose at least two sizes! So just think how jealous all of your bar-hopping, beer-guzzling classmates will be when they see how lean and fit you are!

The idea of Yahoo! Answers is to ask questions for other users to answer, not to pose a question and then answer it yourself.

Some people just don't ever acquire a taste for alcohol.

People die of car collisions when they are drinking and driving, but have you ever heard of anyone crashing their car when they are stoned? It hardly ever happens.

Some people get extremely violent and start fights when they are drinking. But have you ever heard of anyone who gets violent after smoking a bowl? It hardly ever happens. lol

Just do what you like to do, babe. And be happy.


I used to drink sh*t loads in high school, college, when I got back from war, and for a lot of my life. I don't care to drink that often anymore. Drinking gets old. It wares on your body. You're not missing much. Stick with weed, I find it better. Though it is all preferences.

I think its a good thing that you dont drink or do other drugs not alot of people can say that any more. Dont be ashamed be proud that your not like the rest of the world.

Alcohol doesn't really taste good... people who drink usually do so for the numbing effect it has on the central nervous system. The only ppl who drink and do drugs are ppl who don't know how to have fun otherwise. Stay sober and clean, your life will be better.

Maybe you are just more "in-tune" with your body and you body recognizes alcohol for the poison it really is.

some people try it and don't like it. maybe you would like it if you just got buzzed and not crap faced. But your life will be beter w/o alcohol or drugs either one. Plenty of people do neither and find that life is fine. don't worry. you r normal, even if u dont think so. don't worry about what everyone else is doing. u said u tried it and didn't like it. why keep trying?

drinking is legal, the drugs you do are illegal. I hear of people dieing in car crashes from drugs just as much as people drinking.

Many people (particularly those in their teens and twenties, including myself at the time), simply like to drink for the sake of getting drunk. Yes, often times, that results in the person acting really ridiculous and annoying to those who aren't drunk. At the time it seems fun, even cool, but one usually grows out of this.
Drinking simply for the taste or other sensual enjoyment of it, i.e. a cold beer on a hot day or a great wine with dinner, is an "acquired" taste, however. Sort of like enjoying a great cigar or eating oysters (neither of which I would enjoy, but no matter). In fact, I used to think most alchohol tasted horrible unless it was mixed to taste like a dessert, like a weak pina colada or daquiri. It wasn't until later in life I could enjoy the cold beer on a hot day, etc.
I wouldn't stress out about it or feel strange in any way. I doubt you are missing out on "the college experience". Besides, the occasional use of recreational drugs you mention are no different than drinking to get a high. I think one major difference you alude to is the negative effects of overindulging, i.e. getting sick and acting annoying, which point out a possible personality trait of wanting to conduct yourself with a certain measure of class and self control. Nothing is wrong with that either.
In conclusion, I think you'll be just fine!

to each their own.. I dont like alcohol either.. I just think it tastes like liquid fire... I also dont like cola.. pepsi, cocacola etc.. I love 7up though... its a matter of choice... .. a good choice on your part, but just choice...

No,your not!I drink off and on.I don't care for it myself but it's a way for myself to run away from life.Please if your a person that has book's smarts use it.Don't pick up drinking it's not worth it.Or else your gamer will look like mine.

you already know the taste of beer and wine rite,and you r not admitted to these habits,that is very good sign,when never u want to drink u can go drink thats not a problem but please do not carried away too much with these american timepass it will defenately affect your health oneday

i agree with random 100%

Theirs more to life then getting drunk, Or so they tell me....

You are blessed!

I grew up in a household where my parents didn't mind if we had a drink once in a while when we where young (never really drunk it only to see what it tasted like) but as i got older and was legally allowed to drink I never wanted to because i absolutely hate the taste of alcohol. I only ever drink it when i feel i should at certain occasions but it is vile and i can taste the smallest amounts in drinks.
So its not just you who doesn't like the taste of alcohol and it doesn't bother me, you cant like everything can you.

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