Which is smoother: A newborn baby's skin or a nice cold glass of Colt 45?!
Which is smoother: A newborn baby's skin or a nice cold glass of Colt 45?
Mmm. Smooth.
the colt 45 off the newborns skin, duuuh
the little sweet newborn! ooooohhhhhh!
the tender skin of the pavement if you go and not take care of the baby while getting drunk with colt 45. :D
(either from the beer or your wife)
Wow, that's a tough one right there. Even though a nice cold glass of Colt, 45! goes down smoothly, I would have to go with the newborn baby's skin.
a new born baby skin opcourse it softer than a avarage human skin.
nothing can compare to the smoothness of a new born baby's skin.... and the new baby smell, it's really great...