Scared of my mum finding out i drink ?!


Scared of my mum finding out i drink ?

Ok Im 12 years old and on this friday me and my mates have decided to go out drinking for the night but the problem is i dont want my mum finding out how do i not let her know? P.s i dont want any bad comments about what i do OK

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2 months ago

2 months ago
stop having a go at me
Im only going to have one smalle bottle
the size of about a Pepsi can

2 months ago

2 months ago
stop having a go at me
Im only going to have one smalle bottle
the size of about a Pepsi can

I started drinking at your age too and am now a normal, everyday Mum of two so just because you start drinking young does not mean you will end up an alchoholic down and out. It does however mean you will proberbly get drunk and if you and your friends enjoy it you will proberbly start doing this quite often. The worst things I have ever done were all while I was drunk (losing my virginity at 14 and generally doing things with guys I should not have been!, assaulting a close friend who never spoke to me again, falling into the road and nearly being run over, cutting my hair off during a girly 'beauty' sleepover with wine and throwing up on a boy I really fancied.) I was lucky.. many of my friends needed thier stomachs pumped in hospital.
I know telling you not to do it would be no good as you have obviously made your mind up, but I think the fact you are worried about your mum finding out speaks volumes!
The only advice I can give you is don't mix drinks, down binge drink and leave half an hour between drinks as it takes a while to kick in and if you continue non stop you are likely to get VERY drunk. Don't for a minute think that I am 'for' you drinking. I just believe that if you are gonna do it, at least do it safe. If you get drunk, lose control and do something silly then your Mum WILL find out :(

U could just not do it, peer pressure is a horrible thing
First drinking, then what?

I SO hope nobody helps you. Your poor mum. What if something happens to you when you're off your face?

If you don't want bad comments, probably best not to post such silly questions dear.

I hope you get caught and wind up in Juvie. Then maybe you will see what drinking underage can cause.

Well, my advice is don't. but if you are going to, do it somewhere safe where you know you can get home easily - not more than a 1 or 2 minute walk from a bed and somewhere safe. Also, don't drink with anyone present who you don't know very well, and make sure you don't drink more than 2 average glasses of wine, beer or cider and if you are drink spirits (Vodka, whiskey etc) don't have more than 1 6th of glass full and top it up with coke, lemonade all the way to the top. And drink very, very slowly.

don't'll probably end up killing yourself!

Well you are way underage, your mum deserves to find out. Try waiting till your old enough.

Just don't do it. Seems easy. There will be plenty of time for drinking in college or at university as you british people say.

im 13 so dont think im bein an old nag....u will ruin the friendship u've got with ur ma if u keeep this up,friends lie they
leave,ur ma is the moost trushtworthy person u will ever have..
u are shortening ur life nott being cool,whats cool aabout damaging ur health!?ive seen it happen,its sad...listen ur gonna regret did u eeven get booze anyway?

You are going to commit a crime. I hope you feel proud. Why don't you just talk your mates out of it? Can you imagine your parents' faces when the police deliver you to your door?

If your mum is like what my mum was then she will realise sooner or later.Probably sooner!!!

As you understand alcohol more and its effects it is possible to control consumption so that it is enjoyable.

First time out it is likely, though not certain, that you will find it hard to gauge the correct amount and pace of consumption.

As to a strategy. Well you could eat a decent meal beforehand. Eggs are sometimes seen as a useful meal as they take time to digest and are thought to slow down the effect of alcohol. I'm not convinced personally about that.

And you could try alternating drinks with soft drinks like fruit juices. Much will be determined by peer pressure and your own ability to stay in control.

My inclination is to say don't do it. But I did exactly the same myself about 45 years ago!!! Not a bad feat as alcohol was much harder to get hold of then - quite apart from the cost. Oh, and I was found out.

Be prepared for fallout.
You will almost certainly be found out.
You may not like it.
You may not enjoy a hangover - few do.

C'est la vie.

I know you need to experiment and all kids will wether it be fags, drugs or booze but I really would urge you to rise above it and make it a one off. Be the strong one in your group and say I've tried that, it costs too much money and it makes me feel out of control. If you are needing to drink you have something missing in your life. Please don't get on this downward spiral. I am a Grandmother of 8 both my grandsons of 18 & 19 drink and thats okay because they are old enough to realise what thay doing. If they were 12 I would be really worried and so would their Parents. Please don't do this, also IT'S LOADS OF CALORIES. Love nany.X

Ok, I'm not going to have a go at you but I will give you some valuable advice that I wish I'd been given at an early age.... Don't trust friends who want to involve you in bad things - whether that's encouraging you to drink, smoke, do things with boys, misbehaving at school etc. If your friends persuade you to join in, they're being selfish and weak - they need support doing things that they know they shouldn't be doing and are to weak to do things on their own. That's why they want to involve you. Also, you will need your mum all through your life and it's so important to keep a good relationship with her. You should never have to lie to your mum about anything as mum's don't judge, they will always want what is best for YOU. If you tell your mum that you want to try alcohol then maybe she'll let you try some at home. I know that she'd much prefer that than you sneaking out at night drinking and her finding out later. And she will find out! Mum's ALWAYS do! It's not worth getting in trouble over. Just have a chat with your mum, ask her about what alcohol tastes like to bring up the subject, if you're not sure how. Can you post a message after Friday please so we know that you're ok. It's a bit worrying knowing what you're planning and I'm sure like many other people on here, we're concerned about you.

You have several hurdles to get over.

Wouldn't worry about the fact its illegal.

First of all you need to get home. Getting home drunk is a novel experience. Have an explanation as to why you are covered in muck and grazed/have broken bones/need stitches. You may have to call for a lift from the A&E department.

A lot of people would worry about the smell of drink. Don't worry about this. The smell of vomit on your breath and clothes will hide this. Of course there are worse smells, usually associated with drinking too much.

You will have to explain though why you can't keep your breakfast down and your head is trying to shrink into your neck, and why you can't remember what happened.

Later on you may have to come up with a even better way of explaining why your liver no longer works and you have to visit the hospital every other day.

Of course there is also the risk that you will have to come up with an excuse with why you are pregnant (it happens!), usually followed by 'And He's the father!!!' I'd bet there is a lad involved who just can't wait for you to be a bit more easy.

Try explaining why you have to use alcohol as a crutch to your mum. If you think you have to drink to have fun then perhaps its already a crutch for you.

If you feel that you have to ask a question about this then I would follow your gut instinct. If your mates can't except this then they ain't your mates.

If you can't tell your mum then don't do it.

The biggest lie we always tell is to ourselves.

The only safe way of her not finding out is not to drink much Im afraid or not have any at all! Mothers will have a 6th sense and they WILL smell it on you (no matter how many mints you eat) and she'll see you acting different (your eyes will look different and your behaviour WILL be different no matter how hard you act and think you are acting normally). Remember you are her 12 year old and still young in her eyes, even though you know you are growing up. Trust me, been there and got the T-shirt!

I know you said you dont want any bad comments and I'm not going to judge you either way, I just want to try and let you know what your mum will say and do and why - your mum will only stop you is because she is worried about you i.e. drinking on the street etc there is a possibility u'll get arrested or someone will take advantage of the fact you've been drinking and if round a mates house I'm sure she'll just worry that your mates will lead you astray etc and you'll drink too much and make yourself ill etc. She will want to protect you from this and you are 6 years off being able to drink legally.

Now - what to do...I personally think that if you want your mum to be cool about it you should talk to her and be totally and utterly sensible about the whole thing. She was young once so you have to up front and honest and tell her that on Friday some of your mates might drink some alcohol. However, you can stop her from freaking out by showing her you are sensible and tell her you wanted to tell her to be honest and didnt want someone telling her behind your back. Tell her that you want to have a few sips of lager but that you dont want to have much. Tell her that you promise you will be fine, you'll get back on time and will stick to a few sips and will be safe and tell her where you'll be (i.e round your mates house). Then, you have to stick to this. If you can show your mum that you have been honest and you dont come back rolling drunk she will be fine with you! Next time you want to go out you can be honest with her unlike your mates and avoid being grounded or something.

A word of advice also if you must do it (although at 12 you are still very very young)- stay away from spirits you dont know how strong they are and dont drink too much - get to know your tolerance levels (everyone is different), eat lots before you go out, and absolutely dont go home drunk. If you go back drunk your mum will flip I can assure you and the next time you'll get to go out drinking again you'll probably be 18! Show her and tell her that you are sensible and avoid a monster hangover - they arent fun at all. Oh and when you have had a drink, I am not sure if you are male or female but alcohol makes you lose your awareness and you dont want to get hurt.

Please take care and honesty really is the best policy - honestly! You have plenty of time to win your mums respect and imagine how great it is to be able to be the only one of your mates who doesnt have to hide having a glass of wine from their parents (mine even allowed me to have another small glass when I got in as I was honest!)

Something tells me that you are gonna go out drinking anyway so let me just pass on some words of wisdom as I've been there - if you come back home on Friday night having had a bit too much alcohol you're likely to lose all of your mums respect. She will know you have been drinking cos she'll smell it on you and she'll be able to tell that your tipsy or drunk - trust me, mothers have a 6th sense and say when you are older and wanting to go out in town like all your mates its gonna take you a lot longer to win her respect to let you go.

my advice don't bother drinking at twelve my daughters only nine but we have such a great laugh without drink.....why can't you just enjoy a good time without drink.... i'm 37 years old and I know if i had got drunk at twelve it would have made me so ill I couldn't have hidden it from my mum & Dad . go with your your consciense..
and good luck
some points to think about:
you will be discovered
you will be busted
you won't be safe
you may be arrested
you may harm yourself
your head will ache for days after
you will puke
Send invites Now!!!

just don't do it! You are far too young! And are just a nutter!! The worst things you did were loosing your virginity at 14, assaulting a mate???? I certainly wouldn't be taking any bloody advise from you!!!

You know what, do what your her tells you. Screw your mom, she doesn't know what's right for you. She can only control your life for a couple more years. Just don't drink yourself to death. That would be bad. Hope this helped. C Ya.

Say your going to the cinema,then don't get drunk but chew a bit of strong mint gum to cover the smell of the booze you do have.

ok so i a know what u are talking about. im 14 and i drink with my friends too. i want to drink and i like to drink. it is fun. i also know what it is like it have to worry about getting caught. i say if u r sure u want to do this u should do it when ur mom is gone and will b gone for a long time after u drink in case u get wasted. or go spend the night at one of ur friends house who is gonna b there drinking and just stay there where u are away from ur mom. but u prob. won't get caught if u arn't drinking at much if u r careful!!! i wish u the best of luck but don't ge over board i with it all or u could get urself in to some serious trouble. good luck.

Ask yourself why do you drink ,after you can answer that... Then maybe you need to decide if your answer is valid enough. If not you can always wait until your of age.

i give you every previous answer that you have had to this question a thousand times over.......THINK BEFORE U DRINK!!!

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