What is your favorite type of beer?!

Question: I personally prefer Natural Light, and someone recently made fun of that. What's up with that?? Would someone please educate me on the finer aspects of the brewing industry! Teach me about beer.

Answers: I personally prefer Natural Light, and someone recently made fun of that. What's up with that?? Would someone please educate me on the finer aspects of the brewing industry! Teach me about beer.

(g)Natty Lite is for beer noobs. Try an ale or a stout to see what REAL beer tastes like. Then go on and try everything you can get your paws on. You should be able to get a taste for the complexities beer has to offer. These lagers, i.e. Bud, Michelob, Coors, that everyone was brainwashed into thinking was all beer had to offer has been countered by the micro-brewery revolution we've had in the past 20+ years.

So try a Sam Adams or a Red Hook, a Guiness or something with body, and you'll see what beer is about..

Click on the link below.

See that zero? That is out of a possible 100.

As I've stated before Westvleteren Abt 12 is my favorite. Click on the second link. See that 100? Highest you can get. For a good reason.



That would be an 18. Sh*t is skunk out of the bottle man.

Miller Lite....or Lions Paw


I think the best beer you can drink is home brew. When you brew your own you have choice of making the type of brew that you like to drink. You can get started brewing for under two hundred dollars. Remember brewing dynamics your beer is what you make of it. Try www.beertown.org If you ask any home brewer what their favorite beer is, many will inevitably say something along the lines of the one that's in my glass right now or one that i brewed myself.

Stella Artois


Coors light or MGD. A good cheap beer would be Keystone light.

Try Sam Adams Cherry Wheat....

Belgian "monastery" type beer (up to 14% alcohol). No serious Belgian beer drinker would touch Stella. They regard it as Bud Light or one of those unsavory watery drinks they consider beer in the U.S.

Real beer doesn't have rice in it... brew your own, that's the best beer...
My personal favorite is Porter...

root beer

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