Alcohol free???!

Question: I wonder how i can cope with the pub and other places i go without the need for alcohol. i am raging against the alcoholic machine as it always gives me severe hangovers and i wont have it anymore! so what should i drink at the pub as not to make me look gay? (nothing wrong with gay people i love em!) i just need to find a drink in a working mans pub. i was thinkin g coffee but any sugestions? oh ive been alcohol free for 3 days now and i wanna get to 28 days!

Answers: I wonder how i can cope with the pub and other places i go without the need for alcohol. i am raging against the alcoholic machine as it always gives me severe hangovers and i wont have it anymore! so what should i drink at the pub as not to make me look gay? (nothing wrong with gay people i love em!) i just need to find a drink in a working mans pub. i was thinkin g coffee but any sugestions? oh ive been alcohol free for 3 days now and i wanna get to 28 days!

you can still drink the occasional pint with your mates,
but if you want non-alcoholic stuff just get whatever you want,
Dont worry about what others think of you, just be yourself!!!

Soft Drinks?

get a lemonade, coke etc. nothing gay about them

You can order Coke, juice, red bull etc... but it is not the same without alcohol, it ruins the whole experience

non-alcoholic lager? it'll look like the part. Nothing wrong with soft drinks either, just loose the wee paper umbrella and you'll look just fine =)

FREE ALCOHOL !!!! sign me up for three cases !!!

no stay away for a few weeks to get the hang of it. otherwise go with oduals

Don't worry about what other people think. Drink whatever you want.

a good set of friends wouldn't ask u to drink if u didn't want 2. if they take the mic and call u gay just start asking for a coke with ice lemon and an umbrella with a cherry good luck it will be hard to try this over xmas but i hope you do it :-)

I find orange juice or coke is ok, maybe something exotic (uh-huh) like J2O. Or even a bottle of water is acceptable these days. I'd try and avoid alcohol-free drinks... you wouldn't go to see a picture-free film, or read a page-free book... would you?

good job on 3 days take it one day at a time 28 days is a good goal but this is a life time Battle if you wish not to drink don't go to wet places i have been sober for 7 mo i do not go to any pubs unless i am with sober people and have a good reason to be there good luck

Just tell people there is no such thing as a gay drink unless they hand you a drink with a little umbrella in it*laughing*.

Good on you for being alchol free for 3 days. My ex hubby dried out 3 times not good. I think most pubs offer a drink thats alchol free called calliber. (spelt wrong but sure its that name) You could have that in a pint glass and no one will be any the wiser unless they get the round in. If you want to avoid any emarrasing hang ups to why your not drinking a good excuse is to say your on medication from the Dr. If you want to tell them the truth then say that you dont like the long term effects of alchol in the body. Ie:- Liver failiour, memory loss, shakes, kidney problems. The fact that when your blottod you become a diferant person. The list is endless!!! Failing that have soft drinks.

I would get some sweet tea, sprite or water with lemon. I don't think it's anything wrong with not drinking alcohol. I think it's the other way around. I am turned on by a sober, focused man who doesn't hold any liquor. Nothing gay about that.

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