Drunk christian mom??????? please help!?!

Question: My mom is a christian, she even works @ our church, but ever since she started dating again, I found 5 empty beer bottles underneath my cabinet!!! And an eaten box of brandy chocolates! She doesn't know I know please help!!!!!!

Answers: My mom is a christian, she even works @ our church, but ever since she started dating again, I found 5 empty beer bottles underneath my cabinet!!! And an eaten box of brandy chocolates! She doesn't know I know please help!!!!!!

Well it may not be the best of signs but,don't panic yet.5 beer bottles unless drank all at once doesn't mean she is running around drunk.And the brandy chocolates how much real alcohol is in them ?I too am a Christian and not all Christians agree that you must not drink alcohol.But of course you said that she works at your church and i'm guessing that means it is one that holds to zero alcohol.If thats the case and she agrees with it then she is sinning(which we all do).I know it must be terribly ackward but you really do need to talk to her,just be careful that you don't come off as being too judgemental.Maybe something as simple as you know mom,I'm really not use to the idea of you drinking and its weirding me out a bit.You might ask why the sudden interest in drinking.Is she dating only Christian men?That might be an even bigger issue.But in the end this is a matter that is between your mom and her saviour.He is certainly able to correct her if needed.Pray for her,that in this new bussiness of dating she will find the person that the Lord wants for her,and that she won't feel so ackward that she feels she needs alcohol to relax,or to fit in with someone.We can all use someone praying for us.How many times do you think she has been concerned for you and had to watch and pray.Even us older folks are like little children learning and growing in our Christian walk.Pour out your concerns for her to the Lord.God bless you for watching and careing for your mom.
One side note though: if your mom is working with the youth in your church they may have policies that require complete soberity.If that is the case you will need to address that issue with her for sure.I just prayed for you that God will give you wisdom in handling this delicate situation. : )

help her in the kitchen sometime when you know there is evidence under the cabinet and get something out of there but when you find the bottles act surprised and ask her about it.

she gettin her groove back

My only answer is to tell her how you feel face to face.but dont hurt her feelings though, just make a point.

5 empty beer bottles and an eaten box of Brandy chocolates doesn't make her a drunk. It means she's a grown adult who is enjoying liqour. I don't see what evidence you've found as a problem because you have no idea how long of a time it was since those were consumed.

5 beers makes her a drunk?
I think not.

i would like to add, being a Christian doesn't make a person perfect nor bullet proof.

i think you should give your mum some credit,
she brought you up the best way she knows and now it's her time to enjoy herself. and be happy for her that she is happy within herself,to enjoy her time coz you dont get any younger,if your old enough have a small glass of wine or half a glass of beer with her,it will make her feel a bit comfortable.
not all mums have to be perfect being christian just keep that in mind,i am catholic and i have a quiet drink with my mum sometimes and on special occassions but it doesn't mean that she is a drunk, be more relaxed with your mum,coz that is not fare to her if you acted angry about her happiness.

Heh. Only five bottles? You've obviously never been to a college dorm party before.

Seriously though, everything is probably fine. Five beers isn't that many, especially if not drunk all at once. I'm a light weight and I have to drink two beers before I'm even tipsy, much less drunk.

You need to let her know, that you know.

You need to first tell her that you love her .. and that you are concerned.

Then you need to ask her .. why. And .. you might remind her of her Christianity. Sometimes, everyone gets side-tracked .. and it takes someone who cares to help get them back on the right path.

Express your concern of her not doing this.

That is about all you can do at this point. See what transpires.

How christian is it to label your mother a drunk on the internet before you've even spoken to her?

Also, brandy chocolates have very little alcohol in them. I'm assuming your mother is over the age of 21, so if she chooses to drink alcohol occasionally that is her decision to make not yours.

The fact that you found 5 empty cans and a empty box does not concern me near as much as the fact that she is 'hiding' it. Sneaking and hiding are signs that there is a problem, and I'm not saying that 'drinking' is the problem, because it could be something else bothering her. I would calmly and not in a accusatory way, tell her what you found, and ask her what is bothering her so bad that she felt she had to hide it from you? Let her know you are there for her, even tho she is the Mom, (sometimes we need to know our kids are there for us) and no show her a extra lot of love right now. She is your mom and the best you can do is to be honest and just love her..We all are human, we all make mistakes, and we all need each other and a extra hug or two..

Sounds to me as though mom had a date!
Bottles of beer and chocolates?
Wine would have been better.
Maybe that's why she put it away.

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