Does alcohol go bad?!


Does alcohol go bad?

i found some in a cubbard in my new house. just wondering so i dont get sick.

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2 months ago
its mostly like peach schnaps. and it IS opened. but i dont think the old lady that lived here before us would put stuff in it.

2 months ago
its mostly like peach schnaps. and it IS opened. but i dont think the old lady that lived here before us would put stuff in it.

When properly sealed liquor does not go bad. Even some wines lasts 100 years, liquors longer!

i say drink it down yo its good trust me.

Beer goes flat, wine goes sour, but liqueur may still be good.

no, all alcohol is an anesthetic. it is fermented already, so it cannot go bad. don't become one of those spiteful alkies, huh?

EDITED: yes, it is very true that the gas bubbles in beer can go flat. yes, it is quite true that wine becomes vinegar if the cork is left out of it. then it is wine vinegar, which is no longer alcoholic at all.

It goes bad AFTER you drink it...
and beer is loaded with Vitamin "P"...

no alcohol doesnt go bad it gets better with time

Depends on what it is. Hopefully it has never been opened...otherwise, I would not drink it...if it has not been opened, go for it...some gets better with age! :) lol

liquor probably safe, but do you know who left it? this is a crazy world, and people might put something in it, at least that is what the conspiracy theorists would say.

if it was never opened, it is fine, if it is liquor and opened probably fine
open wine, probably throw away,
roach beer, throw away.

If it's not beer or has milk in it, are good to go. Now please pass me a glass!

Alcohol is a preservative and, as such, doesn't go bad. However, some alcoholic beverages will continue to ferment if left in warmer temperatures. This can result in some very potent cider, wine, home brew, etc etc. Mosts commercially purchased alcohol beverages will remaim ok for a year after opening if 40 percent alcohol or higher (thats 80 Proof). THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE WINE>>> Wine will do strange things after it is opened and left in a warm atmosphere. Some good... most Not!!

no go ahead

all i know about is beer, if it has floaty stuff in it, DON'T DRINK IT! but i think wine goes too sour or something, not really sure about the other liquors though.

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