What is the drinking age in your state 18 or 21?!


What is the drinking age in your state 18 or 21?

In Ohio-
I am middle age,when I was 18 in1977 you could by 3.2% Beer and wine at 18,Then 21 for hard liquor.Can 18-21 year olds buy beer and wine in some states? Or is it 21 for all alcoholic beverages
in every state?

I do believe if the states want federal highway money that the drinking age across every state in the nation is now 21. In other words, it is still a law enacted by the states by the federal government has their hands in making sure of it :)
I grew up in the midwest and the legal age was 19. It was so easy to buy. I'm a short brunette and my fake ID was a tall blonde, I used it all the time. Now, I know that it didn't fool anyone but my point is back then no one really cared. And if the cops caught us it was "pour your beer out girls and go home". How times have changed!!!

21 across the board...

The legal age for alcohol in the USA is 21 years old.

The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 required all states to raise their minimum purchase and public possession of alcohol age to 21. States that did not comply faced a reduction in highway funds under the Federal Highway Aid Act. The U.S. Department of Transportation has determined that all states are in compliance with this act.

Hey, I'm in Las Vegas. If it's 21 here, it's gotta be 21 across the nation!

21 -california

Here in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, the drinking age is the same for all alcoholic beverages-18. The other provinces all range from 18-19 for drinking age and none of them have a seperate age for beer and another for hard liquor-it all gets you hammered so you have to be 18-19 to drink it.

in the state of indiana it is 21.

its 21 all across the country but i don`t get why u can be 18 and go fight a war and can`t go buy a beer

21 in every state.

In the states its 21 everywhere for anything. Up North in Canada the age differs, I know Quebec is 18 and Ontario 19. So if you wanna drink legally check out Montreal or Toronto

It's 21 across US for buying.

Drunk driving in US ;)

21, but when i lived in europe it was only 16 to go alone, you could still drink in the pubs and everything if you were younger than that, but you had to have an adult with you.

i live in mi and it's 21 for beer and liquor

wisconsin-21 for all alcohol

21 here in NE

In Oklahoma its 21 for all types of alcohol

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