Does drinking or I mean sipping scotch and whiskey mean I have become old?!


Does drinking or I mean sipping scotch and whiskey mean I have become old?

I am a 24 year old male who now has developed a taste for Johnnie walker and makers mark. Not in the term as taking shots since that would be part of my quartet of hell along with Jose but now I have started to done a couple of ounces into a couple and throw some ice into it and drink it. Does this mean I have gone from young hip college kid to bent over old man. Does this mean I now have to hang out with the likes of 50 year olds instead of my peers.

oh come on, you are not old. You are getting older therefore you are maturing. And believe me from a female stand point its a damn good thing. Your still young and hip.




When you get grouchy when a selection is limited to beer and wine and you can't get your whiskey, then you are old.

No. but it does mean that at least your taste is maturing.

Hey I'm 23, and as long as you have some whiskey to spare then you can hang out with me instead of some old geezers.

Nahhhh . Its only make you sexier.... That mean u still can hang with 25 years old guys but be the sexiest!!

no it just means you are officially a drunk. welcome to the club

Yes, but I'm a 24 year old female who suddenly refuses to drink fruity drinks (or shots) because they make me feel like hell in the morning.

Welcome to old age my friend, you are not alone. Now where's my cane...

I'm 56 and Yes you must hang out with me. Also and this is very important you must pay all the fines.

"The likes of 50 year olds"? I hope to heck you remember saying that when you're 50. You must really live in an isolated world.

Yes. It means you are now an old fart.

P.S. Don't be in such a @*%$# hurry to grow up you 24 year old KID!

No..just means you have good taste! :)

Honey, there's no possible way you can do Anything that will make you old at 24. You could throw yourself down a flight of stairs and you would not be an old man. You have no idea what you are in for in later, really old, life. I see them everyday.

If you think you're drinking too much, hold back. If not, you changed. Simple as that. You are still a young, strong viral man and enjoy your youth and strength-----whatever that takes.

Do NOT give up the ladies (or men) whatever. There is your life force right now at the stage you are passing through. You make me feel 24 too!! Carry On!! @8-)

Just wait until you discover fine brandy.

A sniffer of Rare Reserve, and a classic movie. Now that is life!

nope not at all its just a better drink more refined and classyer then a simple beer

You are only as old as you feel. Hey, I'm 57 and I feel like a young thing......can't find one though, lol.
Enjoy your whisky and your young friends will get used to it and if they don' what.

Not at all. It just means you have aquired a different taste from your friends. Drink what you enjoy. You should not worry about other people's opinions when you drink. I'm 25 and I personally like to sip on scotch-whisky while my friends take shots of Grey Goose. Drink at your own pace.

No. You just have more of a sophisticated taste than your peers. I'm in the same boat...but i'm 28. It's better not to follow the crowd.

It is called a snifter of brandy...

And Scotch is fine indead...drinking it since 22, now 40, and by no means older, just wiser.

What does it mean to you? Will you go with that or with what your peers perceive it to mean? Maybe you've grown to become a sophisticated alcoholic who's brain and pallet finally connected enough to enjoy the fine after taste and the warm feeling going down of those sips. The "Acquired taste."

no i don"t thank beer and whiskey makes you old its hard on your liver

Look at it this way:

You're much better off starting to enjoy a fine scotch at 24 than to keep downing shots of Jose until you're 50.

Are you retarded your twenty four years old and you think because you have aquired a taste for whiskey you are going to be forced to hang out with 50 year olds its not gonna change you in any way but your health. I'm only 16 and I drink whiskey every once in a while but I don't magically hang out with old people. Don't be stupid and just grow up.

no way...i love them both and drink them all the time and im 22 years old!!

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