How drunk was I????!


How drunk was I????

Hey today me and my friend was drinking a lot and at one moment we knew that we were messed up. Anyway these are the things I drank:
1 Glass of Red Wine
1 Glass of Mixuture of Red and White Wine
1 Molson Dry
1 Glass of Smirnoff Vodka Rasberry with mixture of 7up

Just want to know was I extremely drunk and wasted because I remember that my friend who was also drinking had to pull me up because I first on the ground and couldn't get up also flipped over on the sofa. Also how much alcohol was in my body also the amount I drank was I wasted.

It depends in how short of a time period, how much you weigh, and your tolerance level. Judging by your assortment of drinks you're a teenager with a low tolerance. In terms of blood alcohol content, it was probably still fairly low, as none of those drinks have high proofs.

If you were incredibly drunk off this amount of alcohol, it sounds like you should not be drinking. Also if you fell over and could not get up you shouldnt be drinking either. Im not saying not drink, Im just saying I am a 23 year old female and people are different the way they react to alcohol, and it would take me more than 2 bottles of wine to get as drunk as you are decribing. How old are you? Also, your message seems strange becasue if you were as drunk as you say you were, then how would you accurately remember exactly what you drank? What I am saying is you pretty much had 4 standard drinks, which if they get you that drunk sounds like you must be very young or never drunk before , it sounds strange.

That's not that much, I don't see how you were "wasted". A serving of alcohol is in your system for an hour. Four servings should have been out of your system in four hours. Anyway, each person handles their alcohol differently, so there's no way tell how wasted you were.

you were soooooooooooooooooooo drunk u had to eat a pickle with nly a noob and a cigarette! and it wasnt even lit.!

WOW, and I thought I was a lightweight......

You shouldn't have been drunk at all...If you can't handle that stick to non-alcoholic drinks...

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