Can you remember the last time you got drunk and?!


Can you remember the last time you got drunk and?

what you got up to

The last time I got drunk was over 5 months ago.

I realised that night, after 3 bottles of wine, that if I didn't stop what I was doing, I was going to die.

Depression and alcohol don't mix well, and I'd ended up injuried due to stupidity and poor balance after drinking several times, and it was having a negative effect on my relationships.

It was a hard descision to take, to give up drink, but I just take it one day at a time.

I'm pleased that I've been sober for so long, and every area of my life has improved. My social life hasn't been affected as I worried it would, and I no longer have to worry about the damage I was doing to myself.

Hopefully now time can heal the damage I've already done.

No :::!!! but others frequently remind me ::!!!

Ive heard wot I got up to and seen pictures but I dont remember past 10 o'clock!!!! I'm allowed it was my 21st birthday!

A few weeks ago in a nightclub. I tried to dance but didnt look good next to everyone else who was at least 15 years younger!! Can't remember but have been kindly told.

I ended up at the hospital.

I must be a really boring person but I have never been drunk - not even tipsy.

oh yes it was on my 21st birthday and I swore never to get drunk again but don't remember to much abut it after abut midnight or how I got home.

I don't drink alcohol as I result I don't get drunk. why waste money on something where the effect is temporary and you do things you cannot remember instead of things that are use-full.

yeah unfortunately i can, it was about a month ago and all i remember doing was singing really loud to all my fave song
doesn't sound to bad i know,but when its 2a.m and the songs are on my MP3 player, well take my word for it it wasn't good

yep, stumbled on to my freinds hub, helped home by my hub , threw up , hurt chest on toilet bowl , broke an oil burner and lamp. was a great night ,

yes i do, erm what did i do.. i remember dancing down the street and then dragging myself to a gig..then yeah i cant remember anything else lol but it was fun

Yes It was my very first time and last it was like november 05 it wass still kinda warm outside,I went to a college party I was 18 and I dont even like it but I just started with staberry daquiri's then started mixing liqour with gaterade drinking it then I felt wobbly then my stomach started hurting and i was dizzy it seemed like my cousin was driving in circles I remember saying slow down you goin to fast, so as soon as we got to the house i stepped out the car and everything just came up but I didnt get it on myself or nothing straight in the grass,then I passed out on a palet on the floor,Next morning I see my other cousin and his friend one on the floor by me and the other on the couch and I still felt kinda wobbly and my clothes were gone I just had on a tshirt and undies.My cousin said I stripped and passed out on my palet.

i have never been drunk so i dont know what its like.

Last time I got drunk was Sunday night, well it was all weekend actually - remember most of it, so I thought. I knew what I got up to up until my friend told me other things I had done lol.
To answer ur question - I thought I knew what I got up to but obviously I have a few "blank" spots lol

errr. all i know is, my friend and i got dumped in the same week. she brought a bottle of vodka to my flat. we waited till the kids were asleep and all i remember is the first glass. then the paramedics walking past my living room door i waved at them from my horizontal position on my settee. then.........when i got up i walked into the bedroom my son was sleeping on my bed with my mates son, (mine was 4, hers was 7) and his cabin bed (one with ladders) was on its side!!! still don't understand, but my back had a 8" x 1'2" bruise on it. still, to this day, 4 yrs later, we can't remember anything from the first glass and neither of us have touched voddy since


I drank most of a bottle of Jose Cuervo. I fell into a pool, I told everyone that my girlfriend was a mean drunk (with my arm around her, maybe that's how I ended up in the pool, and I got an IV in my arm the next day because I stayed up all night vomiting. I had swollen eyes, broken blood vessels in my eyes and a terrible hangover.


no.can someone remind me

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