Do you think this is bad?!

Question: Im in high school, and while i know it is illegal, i like to drink a few beers every now and then. I NEVER drive when im drinking and i get all A's in school. Do you think its a bad thing that i like to drink beer?

Answers: Im in high school, and while i know it is illegal, i like to drink a few beers every now and then. I NEVER drive when im drinking and i get all A's in school. Do you think its a bad thing that i like to drink beer?


Ok, so a few beers every now and then isn't so bad. Although everyone will think that beer + minor = trouble but as long as you keep it under control and know the ropes, I guess it should be fine.

I know what the law says but where I am right now, even alcohol is banned. ^_^



No, but watch it. I lost the last ten years of my life to alcoholism. Maybe if you're wondering, there is something to worry about.


I do not know what to tell you other than I have three beautiful daughters who are recovering alcoholics that started with just having a few beers or drinks. Their problems didn't start in their teens either, they were already adults. So be careful.

if you are responsible I dont think it is a big deal. There are many countries that dont have drinking ages and thinks seem to work better. Drink the beer to enjoy it, the different kinds and taste, dont just drink be to do so

hmm...i guess thats up to your parents man...and what they would say (im guessing, in so many words) is it's not whats happened to you so far...its the potential of something that could happen....just stay wise it wrong...probably not...but its not the smartest thing in the world

I guess I do. You are under age and even if it is not effecting your grades now it can. Plus you have started drinking very early in your life. That could lead to problems later on.
Ask your self how important drinking a few beers is to you?

Take care

Kali :-)

i hate to say this my friend but drinking only kills you. i know i have liver failure because of it and i have got less then a year left in my life. and there is the possibility that drinking could end up to worse things like drugs. life is to short to screw it up with drinking and drugs.

sorry, I just care about things like that now.
soon to be gone from earth, Your friend James.

Drinking beer is not wrong. It is illegal for a minor to drink. However coming from an Italian family we used to drink once in a while. At special occasions I would drink wine with dinner when I was 10 years old. It is good for a family to allow you to drink with them. That way you are less likely to keep it behind their backs when you are older. If you do that you will hide it, and when you hide it you are showing the early signs of alcoholism. But in answer to your question there is nothing wrong with drinking a couple of beers. Limit yourself and only drink at home while being supervised. Once you become of age you can drink all you want.

This is how my cousin started out, Then hes move all the way up to Marijuana, And he wants to drive to Baltimore to get COKE...


Yes, you can get liver cancer and die at a young age. People don't need to drink to get a boost and to have fun there is other things to do then drinking. I say live long and prosper don't smoke and don't drink. I am 27 years old and now addicted to smoking and casual drinking I am trying to quit both because I want to see both of my daughters children grow and to see my great grandchildren born.

no, this makes you more normal. Don't be so afraid, most people don't turn up as alcoholics.

I was roomates with this guy. He isn't an alcoholic. He was sneaking into clubs in Canada at age 14. He drank 15 beers in 90 minutes last semester as part of a drinking competition. You know what happened to him? He graduated college, got a job, apartment, girlfriend, car, plasma TV, etc. He didn't even have A's. Yet, he's an engineer.

There is nothing wrong with drinking alcohol as long as it doesn't cause you any problems. You'll know when to cut back if it starts causes problems. This is unlikely to happen until after you graduate college. Don't drink and drive.

I didn't start drinking until i was 21, and boy do I wish i could get those years back, at least 18-21. I could have been having so much more fun.

It might be. It depends on several things, you can be in high school and be 14, which would make your answer no it isn't OK. Only because your body can't deal with the toxins. If you are older, physically you are still at risk. What is your family history, do you have alcoholics in your family tree?
Drinking if it is beer, wine or a martini can be dangerous, it all depends on your family history, why you are drinking and if it is a need or a want.
Just like any bad habit, if you can avoid it when you are young you will be better of not doing it.

The younger you start drinking the easier it is to becomes addicted. I can't say that it is wrong because I was drinking at that age but use common sense and be careful!

It is not a bad thing, because you drink a few beers every time. If you like to drink it, you should keep a few beers to drink. I heared it's healthy for you to do that on a site, it seems called "", I also saw some tips for health in it. How to keep our health? we should learn more from it.

tons and tons of minors drink a little
and its not bad to drink as long as:
you dont drink often
you dont drink so much that you throw up all night
you dont drive
and you do it somewhere safe like in a house (not behind a building or something)

i have experienced alot of that....i know what im talking about

you cant be good all the life to the fullest and have fun = ) (not to much though)

no i dnt think this is bad at all u r actually goin pretty good half the ppl i c ur age r out getting drunk every wkend..

It's okey I think.
I think everyone should choose whether he drinks or not and when to start. It's better to drink then to take drugs.
As for me, I began drink beer when I was 12 years old (in that time in Russia you can buy whatever you want). I began drink vodka at 13 years old.... Now I can drink a lot, but I am in a good shape, always was a good sports man - I have rank in judo and played as goalkeeper in the university team(soccer) when I studied in the university.
Then I worked at the alcohol company - I was selling elite alcohol. And now I know a lot about almost all kind of alcohol, how to drink it and with what.
You just need to understand why you are drinking. Whether you drink because all guy around do it or you try to understand the taste and culture of drinking.

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