I am an alcoholic. I wish to quite. Please help.?!


I am an alcoholic. I wish to quite. Please help.?

Go To meetings man,

No joke, the more ppl you have there for you the better your chances. I say AA although it is based on religious settings, it does help a lot of folks. Friends and Family is the best way to help.

don't drink alcohol

Go to AA. If you can't drive yourself, look up the local hotline number and ask. Some one will pick you up and take you. I found out a long time ago that AA was the only thing that really works over the long run.

Well admitting you have a problem is the first step to solving your problem. I would go to some AA meetings and ditch any bad influences in your life. Get rid of all of your drinking buddies and you should also get a hobby. You should also make sure your day is occupied with stuff to do. Take a walk, go to the zoo or the museum. Get out of your house go stay with a friend or family and tell them to stay around you and not let you drink. Also, throw out any booze in your house!! I'm no expert, just thinking out loud.

You can check into a treatment center or go it alone. AA can be helpful, but tends to be a bit preachy. I have a friend whi swears by club soda as an alternative. He still gets the social aspect of the bar crowd, but without the intoxication.

AA is a wonderful organization. If you attend meetings in conjunction with new medications that curb your need for alcohol your rate of recovery soars. Best of Luck. Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

First go to a Detox Centre ...dry yourself out. Then attend AA meeting.

At first they may not seem like your type of thing....

But trust me they work ....

My Parents have been in AA for 34 years now ...and they have never touched a drop.

If REALLY .... works if you really want the help.

Good Luck !!!
I hope you make out well !!!

1. Hang out one time sober with your drunk friends.

2. Ask someone to video-tape a party you have, get really
drunk watch the tape when you are sober.

3.Go to a tavern............look at the person at the end of the bar, the one that has their head down, rotten teeth, he's alone he is not 70, he is only 43.........it's me.... and will be you someday.

4. Realize you bore people, with your drunk talking, they hate being around you, you smell. your breath is terrible, everyone
feels sorry for you.........by the way don't have kids.

It works if you work it.. so work it cause your worth it!! AA

I would say that admitting you have a problem is half the battle! Good luck! AA! 12 steps to a better life!

You just took the first and hardest step, now go get support and professional help. AA is your best bet. My step-father died from alchoholism, he died and left behind a wife, and 3 kids with grandchildren. (not including me and other step children), don't do that to your family. Good luck.

Ain't nothin to it but to do it! I quit smoking cigs over 8 months ago! Just don't give in again to that first drink (or in my case hit). I didn't want to set myself up for failure, so I was very realistic. It truly is mind over matter. I think I have my crutch licked....as long as I never give in to that first hit! Good Luck and God Bless!

Alcoholism is a concept that emphasizes that alcohol is an "bad fo you" . It is neo-modern and disregards the long use of alcohol in the human society. In the old days it was called "indulgence".
Alcohol is not bad for you, in fact it is very good in normal quantities. You just have to figure out that "normal" quantity for yourself.
Im not saying that cold turkey is the only way, but it could be the only way to start. Otherwise you might not be able to gradually reduce the quantity of consumption. And i think thats where you want to get. But, also yo umight wanna look into deeper issues of what led to this excessive consumption in the first place...and work from there. Good luck!

go to aa and follow what they say.

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