Does intoxication feel different between wine, beer and vodka?!

Question: It certainly does for me. When I get drunk from beer, I just want to go to bed. With wine, I develop octopus arms and start pawing all over my girlfriend. With vodka, my bullet-proof exoskeleton protects me from all harm, and my IQ quadruples. I also become taller, better-looking, and ( for some reason-nobody knows why) people think I get louder, even though I know I'm really whispering.
Unfortunately, I have an allergic reaction to mixing any of these two. I break out in handcuffs, and develop baton-shaped bruises on my back and face.

Answers: It certainly does for me. When I get drunk from beer, I just want to go to bed. With wine, I develop octopus arms and start pawing all over my girlfriend. With vodka, my bullet-proof exoskeleton protects me from all harm, and my IQ quadruples. I also become taller, better-looking, and ( for some reason-nobody knows why) people think I get louder, even though I know I'm really whispering.
Unfortunately, I have an allergic reaction to mixing any of these two. I break out in handcuffs, and develop baton-shaped bruises on my back and face.

No...drunk is drunk. Certain alcohols do affect people differently. I've had guys that fight when they drink one type of alcohol and not others but you still get drunk. That doesn't change.

If you had equal amounts as in alcohol level, it probably would be the same, but for me wine produces a sleepy feeling and vodka gets me charged up so....

Differnet drinks affect different people in different ways. For me it makes no difference.

Do you remem. that beer song??? "I like beer, whiskey is too much, champagne is not enough and vodka puts my mouth in gear....."????

Yes! Vodka is awful.. I got disgusted from Vodka till now... I've got drunk with it in a party of cook-friends and the worst is that the next morning I had to prepare a desert with Vodka and had to cook it.... I really thought that I was going to go inconscious ... the worst experience in my life! With wine and beer... just some problems for a day or two... but then you can start over again!

i dont know so much about the wine part but beer makes your really happy. and vokda makes you just really messed up. i mean if u drink too much of it its hard to talk. lol

Not sure but I do know red wine turns me into a lush.
I dont drink the hard stuff and rarely have more than one beer in a sitting so I cant answer you on those question. Beer makes me lethargic and lazy.

Yes, it differs.
1. Wine (especially red) contains tanins - simply to say wood. It's rather heavy and impacts liver. At the morning your head will aches and probably liver.
2. Beer - it are hop and malt. Very heavy head at the morning may be puking...
3. Vodka, good vodka is pure. So if you don't mix it with anything else it may have no consequenceы to you in the morning.
But if you are already intoxicated it doesn't matter what you were drinking yesterday - you'll puke, your head will aches, you wil be thursty... It is nature :))))

absotively. Wine is almost like getting stoned. You become far more lucid and social but in a good way. Too much hard liquor and you can just get completely out of control.

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