How will the smoking ban affect pubs?!


How will the smoking ban affect pubs?

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It's not the pubs that are the concern, it's the poor non-smokers that'll benefit.

they will be much nicer places to visit after the ban takes affect.

all done

You can only find boozers at any of ours.
Pool tables are empty.

I cannot wait for the smoking ban to start, then I can take my children happily to eat in a pub without worrying about the smoke they will be inhaling.

They'l be crying their eyes out soon , when beer's £6 a pint and nobody's in there !!

We have it where I'm from, and it works fine. It has also cut down on the amount of servers with various types of cancer.

well it means all pubs will have to do something about their decor as the customers will be able to see the walls etc probably for the first time, without that awful fug of tobacco smoke, and everything will need sanding and varnishing to get rid of the years of nicotine. Pubs might even become nice places and who knows, I might even go into one myself

They will lose a lot of business to begin with.

The ignorant people here will say "they will lose a lot of business to begin with"
that is why they are ignorant.
In Scotland where the ban has been in force for over a year pubs say they have not lost business

Some pubs will have to close down in the end but most of the people who campaigned for the ban are quite happy to carry on driving and belching out fumes that are more harmful than tobacco smoke,and a lot of their trips are not necessary.

They'll smell better for a start

My city's smoking ban will go into effect next January '08. I'm very happy. I will start going to more pubs for their great food and smoke-free atmosphere. I can't wait.

Sales will be down a little in the short term but will recover as people get used to it. Any decent pub will provide a nice outdoor smoking area to wim back any lost custom.

Landlords will use the ban to moan about falling sales but truth is sales have been falling anyway because the supermarkets sell alcohol much cheaper and people can stay in have a drink and avoid all the drunken idiots

ima smoker myself and im goin out tomoro night and gonna find it difficult.yeah i did feel sorry for non smokers bein surronded my smoke..but wat i cant understand where i work its a residential care home for the elderly,and we had smoke rooms now were outside as well,the way i see it is that non smokers shouldn't have been in there anyway but the residents in the home that are smokers can still smoke in there cos it wil take away there rights-wat bout our rights as smokers.yeah its silly bloody thing to start but is a hard habit to kick.i know ive tried to many times...

I smoke, and I think the smoking ban is a fairly good idea.

Hopefully any business pubs lose from smokers will be made up by people who wouldn't have gone to them with smokers in them.

I do hate the very idea that the smoking ban will encourage people to bring their children to pubs though.

Good grief, pubs are for adults, there are better places for children to be. And anywhere not near me is fine

It will definitely affect their sales income. Im a smoker and i dont go to bars that dont have a smoking area.

They will increase costumers

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