How come I need the loo more after 2 pints of beer then two pints of water??!


How come I need the loo more after 2 pints of beer then two pints of water??

I've always wanted to know this. Yet if i have a couple more pints of beer i'm fine.
Why is this.?????

alcohol is a diuretic! it dehydrates you. and your body doesn't use it. your body, on the other hand, uses water to replenish & rebuild. it's absorbed in your body, unlike alcohol.

also, the reason people get drunk, is because of dehydration! if you drink water (a glass for every glass of alcohol you drink) while consuming alcohol, you are much less likely to get drunk, or even catch a buzz.

Because alcohol is DEhydrating and water is HYDRATING.
After the first couple of drinks drying you out, your body will start to store any liquid that it can!

Because alcohol dries out your body, pushing all the water inside you out, causing you to have to go to the restroom. It happens to all of us :)

Alcohol is a diuretic - it makes you pee more.

Alcohol is poisonous to your body, and is converted into a less toxic form in your liver. You urinate more because your body is trying to flush this toxin from your body. You don't have to flush water from your body.

Also, that is why you have a hangover the next day. Your brain is depleted of water from the flushing. That gives you a headache, and the dehydration makes you feel lousy. Additionally there is the toxic residue you have to still get rid of.

alcohol is known as a diuretic (pronounce die-eretic), meaning it makes you need to pee, im not sure why though, sorry!

when youve had 2 pints of beer, you've really had 3 and have you honestly drank 2 pints of water in one go?

alcohol is a diuretic ( which makes the cells expell water. you pee more because the body is getting rid of the two pints, and some water that you have in your system, it is also one of the main causes of a hangover

Alcohol effects the hypothalamus which controls hydration, when your alcohol level is high enough (it differs from person to person) your brain tells your urinary tract and associated organs to get rid of excess fluids. This can be through sweating or urination.

Alcohol is a diuretic. IE it makes you want to go. That is why water does not do the same.

When have you ever had 2 pints of water one after the other?

During or after sports when your body needed it?

because alcohol is a diuretic and causes the body to lose water

Alcohol is a diuretic which means it creates more liquid than it is, if that makes sense.

you should be surprised if you didn't need it!

After 4 pints you are too busy getting pissed to waste time going to the loo.

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