I drink 4 bottles of wine a week?!

Question: this is binge drinking i know... but i cant seem to get away from this cycle, i will on a saturday(as its the best day) and then not drink till wed at two bottles, no more...nor less..... i get pissed all the time, am i an alchohlic?

basically im pissed on 4 bottles a week....

Answers: this is binge drinking i know... but i cant seem to get away from this cycle, i will on a saturday(as its the best day) and then not drink till wed at two bottles, no more...nor less..... i get pissed all the time, am i an alchohlic?

basically im pissed on 4 bottles a week....

The 4 bottles a week is not your issue. The issue is your timing.

I drink 2 glasses a DAY 2 glasses=1/2 bottle=4 bottles a week. For most people this is ok and in fact healthy for you (especially if it is red wine).

Your issue really is that you are drinking too much at one sitting and that part is not good for you.

Instead of skipping days you should drink less but more often.

Also, what one of the prior posters said is correct if you keep doing this it is going to catch up with you later and then you might not be to drink at all. (Per doctors orders).

Drink less, drink the best quality you can afford and be happy!

Your mates are all alcoholics, too, then!

One to two GLASSES of wine a day (depending on your body weight) or less is "normal" (& healthy), anything more is bad for you.

Go ask your doctor to do a "liver enzyme" & triglceride test on your, that will establish how bad an alcoholic you are and how urgently you need to get fixed...

At least you admit that you have a problem. Try to find a replacement for all the wine you're drinking, like water. If you find that you are unable to do this, then yes, you show early signs of being an alcoholic.

Your only damaging yourself and it will catch up with you later in life. A couple a day is max. If your friends reckon its normal well probably there justifying there own cause.

Unfortunately I have been there and now at at 45 have a buggered liver. Doesn't mean you ditch your mates but you should try and control the amount you have so you can still at least have a drink in 10 years time and not be ordered off it by your doctor

Sucks aye

Bit like Russian roulette, I party-ed with 6 mates regularly like you, we are all 45 and 46 now and of the 6, 2 of us have liver issues and 3 have bad gastric reflux and stomach ulcers.

20 years on 5 of the 6 have some alchohol related issue's, at the time you don't think much of it casue your to busy having a good time

in terms of weekly units, you're borderline but you're right to say that bingeing is bad for you. you've realised it now so well done for that. keep yourself busy and try to cut back gradually

If you have to ask yourself that question (are you an alcoholic?) then you probably are. Social drinkers don't need to question their consumption. Watch out its a slippery slope I know because I have been down it, and you will need more and more alcohol. If you need help I would recommend AA.

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