What is the wildest night you have had?!

Question: you dont have to go into details. but at least give an idea of what happend on your wildest night.

mine was in thailand. lets just say that there was me, my 2 buddies, 3 thai bar girls, another "girl" which we threw out right away, and ALOT of alcohol

Answers: you dont have to go into details. but at least give an idea of what happend on your wildest night.

mine was in thailand. lets just say that there was me, my 2 buddies, 3 thai bar girls, another "girl" which we threw out right away, and ALOT of alcohol

Absynthe with a couple girls I met at the bar. One of the girls happened to be the daughter of the sheriff who arrested me for a DUI 2 weeks prior. I took them home with me and we made a video of myself doing all sorts of depraved things to them and the girls to each other. I dropped the girls off 2 days later at the end of a long weekend and said hello to the sheriff as I pulled away. I sent a copy of the video to the sheriff with my face edited out and he still has no idea where the video came from. Apparently, the girls have not been informed by the sheriff of his posession of the tape. I still see the girls from time to time and the sheriff thinks that I am a good guy despite the DUI. Revenge is sweetest when you can deliver some mental anguish burned into someone's mind for the rest of their life. Good times!!!

Well I had a six pack of cold Pepsi and a stack of comic books...three hours later, I was on a caffeine high and the pages were-a-turnin'!

i woke up naked next to my best friend, and another guy

I partied a few times but we girls know our values! At Goa. India.

In Can Cun mx, '
not to sure of all detail's still vague in my mind but i know i married someone, then lost them somewhere. and ?????? so, on & so , on.

Probably the nightshift I worked where we were held up by three druggies wanting me to open the drugs cabinet and dole out some Heminevrin to them!!!!!!

Too wild to tell on Yahoo!

Mine involved a strip club where the girls danced totally nude.... and that's all I'm going to say.

i was on the lasvegas strip with my sister and were mistaken for prostitutes by the police that was a was a wild night


Mine was getting put on a bus for Seattle from rural Montana on bachelorette party night. Started the trip with my best friend and two hot guys; made it to Toppenish, WA with one of the hot guys and had to call home for bail money!
Thank goodness my sisters had sense enough to have the party a week before the wedding!

I went to a fancy dress party dressed as a soldier, got blind drunk, tried to hitch hike to a family member in wales, I'm from Birmingham, and woke up in a barracks in wales, some squaddies picked me up hitch hiking and thought I was one of them!! They all got a bollocking and now were best mates

Well, I went to a club, got depressed because every guy there had a girl and I didn't, so I downed two Long Island Iced Teas really fast, then I think I had a third drink right after...

I remember the loud noise of the band and all the people, and then I woke up at my doorstep with a blanket on me and a little bit of vomit on it the next morning...

My roomates dragged me to the doorstep and left me there, and I was tingly all day until 4pm from that night...

The other wild night was probably with a girl, my first time... It was weird because there was a lightening storm right after, and yet no thunder or rain. It was weird.

I can tell you that in my younger years I had too many "wildest nights" to go into any detail because they include all the areas of booze, sex, marijuana, cars, partying . . . well, I've already said more than I feel comfortable with, so, I'll just leave it at that. God Bless you.

in cancun mexico when i was 18. I did a lot of growing up that week. LoL. i wouldn't say it was one night...the whole week was crazy. dancing on bars, different contest, and a lot of alcohol. No details because as they say What happens in cancun, stays in cancun.

Ohh.... I got a lot of stories to tell my grandkids.

I don't know if they're Yahoo material though. :)

it involes, wild turkey, vodka, everclear, and a lot of beer. Then there was a creek, my clothes disappeared off of me and it was winter. Oh and the cops came into play, but didnt catch me. and to end the night Waffle House in my boxers.

I met a real sweetie in a bar in a west Texas oil boom town where I was dealing drugs-we drank a lot, did some crank and had wild sex all night. Just after daybreak I remembered it was my sister's wedding day! He rushed me back to town just in time for me to change into my maid of honor outfit and join the ceremony (luckily not a real fancy wedding!). My sis and bro in law were cool enough to invite him to the reception.
I've had nights just as wild but not with such a good ending so I choose to share this one.

Well I was on the MS Winston Churchill after arriving to Hamburg from Berlin on the D1945 ! We had a fantastic time !
Massive drinking games involving the Germans !
GREAT sex with a beautiful English woman.
Fantastic flirting and shagging on the deck with German chicks
Every day you can get a boat out of UK and PARTY !
It's WILD !
Carry on up to Scandinavia, got Helsinki, Tallinn, Stockholm !

I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl. We ate lobster and drank pina coladas. At sunset we made love like sea otters. *That* was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get that day over and over and over...

Fat Frog cocktail.

Great Keppel Island,QLD, Australia,I worked there for 2 years,the first 6 months was a blur!start work at 7am-2,4-9pm,straight to the bar after work,go to staff quarters to party til 6pm,close your eyes in time to get up & do it all over again!!!!!

I don't remember what actually happened that night. All i know is i woke up completely naked on the kitchen table in some random guys house where i was partying.

First night of Rag week. I met a few of the guys from a club in college on the bus after the band stopped playing in the college bar. So we were headed into town to start partying in the pubs and clubs there. I was already well loaded at this stage. Went to a few pubs but they were empty, all the students were in one the clubs I guess, but I was drinking at each one. Then ended up at some house somewhere somehow. Finaly they got sick of my drunken state, so I left not knowing where the fck I was. Then just sort of wandered up the street a bit and stumbled across a few people standing outside a house smoking so I just walsed in and ended up dancing 'till five in the morning. There were guys doing lines on the kitchen table. Wildest party ever.

In high school, after the prom i went to a friends house and i got really drunk on Jose Cuerva, and the next morning i ate some cheerios.
When my mom came to pick me up, i puked all over her car.
And i was like "omg, their milk was bad"
and my mother believed me.

My boyfriend and I swapped with another couple after a lot of beer. It was a lot of fun and now he's my husband.

I recal a visit to Amsterdam when I was young. Beer, smoking, and sex with this dutch girl on a park bench!

LOL, there are a lot of wild nights. One recently was with 3 of my male co-workers and 1 female co-worker. We ended up going to the strip club where I got extremely trashed! One of the strippers ended up pulling me on stage with her and we had this makeout stripping show IN FRONT OF MY CO-WORKERS and everyone else at the show!! AHHHHHH!!!! This is why I shouldn't drink, people!! I always get super crazy.. So now my nickname is double d at work *blush*. I ended up making $50 LOL!!! Good times :)

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