Why do American beers have such a bad rap?!

Question: Clarification:
By American beers I don't mean the mega brewers.

This is just my perception and is not meant to be a generalization about all Europeans

I'm referring to the micro breweries. Even Michael Jackson, not the pop singer, the beer expert raved about them. But it SEEMS TO ME that a lot of Europeans toss them all together and just bash great American breweries like Bell's, Dogfish Head, Stone and other like them in with Budweiser and Miller.


Answers: Clarification:
By American beers I don't mean the mega brewers.

This is just my perception and is not meant to be a generalization about all Europeans

I'm referring to the micro breweries. Even Michael Jackson, not the pop singer, the beer expert raved about them. But it SEEMS TO ME that a lot of Europeans toss them all together and just bash great American breweries like Bell's, Dogfish Head, Stone and other like them in with Budweiser and Miller.


As usual, it's the large, mass producing corporations who are more interested in profits then producing a good beer that the world sees. Also, the Europeans love to compare their best to our worst. It helps them sleep at night. I don't even think they could get our good stuff if they wanted to without jumping through all sorts of hoops, and getting them online. We only get a fraction of their beers imported here, and they only get a fraction of ours. Most of it Budweiser. I will say this though, Budweiser is very popular with the younger crowd in England. A fact that bugs the older crowd to no end.

maybe theres something lacking :S i have no idea

I think it has to do with the fact that up until recently (last 20ish years) the yellow fizzy lagers were all that America was known for. The new craft brews, etc. coming out here in America really haven't gotten a chance to be had in Europe yet. Once the rest of the world realizes that we're not all piss-water drinkers anymore, they'll start coming around themselves.
On a good note, Sam Adams is already starting to change the rest of the world's ideas of American beer.

P.S. - R.I.P. Michael Jackson... the world is at a loss... :(

My beer has never rapped... American or otherwise. Stop taking LSD

Because they are generalizing all American beers.
There are many beers from Germany that are very good and a lot of people generalize that German beers are good.
However there are many German beers that are nasty tasting.
So it is a generalization.
I personally do not let it bother me.

Germans don't get a lot of American beers...it would be a case of carrying coals to Newcastle. The American beer they do get is probably when drinking with a US soldier stationed there and that means Bud or Miller or some other flavored water that cannot stand up to the worst German beer. Polite puzzlement is the best you can expect from real beer drinkers who are drinking American mega brewer beer.

Does it really matter what someone else thinks of something you like and enjoy?

I would think it has more to do with a large number of American beer drinkers who are willing to drink sub par beer.

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