When did you start drinking....?!


When did you start drinking....?

-what age did you start drinking? do you regret it?
-what is your legal drinking age?
-what do you think should be the legal drinking age?

I used to sneak sips of family members drinks since I was a kid. But I started drinking when I was 15. Then really heavily when I was 17. And I still drink now. No way do I regret it, it is wonderful! =) 18 should be the legal age to drink. If you are old enough to get married, why not be able to buy some drinks.

The legal drinking age in Alberta is 18 and i tried alcohol way before but i started drinking at 18, Don't regret it because i never wreck it for myself. tried it when i was younger but did not like it so i just waited till i was of age to wasted

Age started drinking: before it was legal
Regret?: Not at all.
Legal age: 21
Legal age should be: 18

I have drinken but never gotten drunk. I always stop when i start to feel woozy.

18, but it was leagal in the country i was in at the time (finland). its 21 where i actually live. i have drank since then, but it was in a situation where everyones keys were taken from them and hidden at the start of the party so we couldnt go anywhere. i dont regret it because it was legal when and where i started, and i didnt do anything stupid. i think the legal age here in the US should be 19 so people dont take as much of an advantage of it while still in school.

i started drinking when i was 14 or 15 and no i do not regret it
the legal drinking age here is 21
i am perfectly fine with the drinking age being at 21. now that i am older and i think back if the drinking age had been at 18 i would have gotten in a lot more trouble than i did with it being at 21.

have had sips of drinks since i was like 4 lol.
but surprisingly to most people, i have never gotten drunk til senior year spring break.
from age 18 to 21(<-legal here) i drank a LOT...
now that i'm finally legally allowed to drink, i dont anymore, at all, because of all the bad things that happened when i did. so yeah, i regret some of it.
Hmm, and i am pretty sure kids will drink no matter what the legal age is, so i dont think it matters what it is. i've always thought it should be 18.


My parents gave me small wine samples at 7. In the U.S.A, the legal drinking age is 21. I think 18 should be the legal drinking age. So parents can teach their kids how to responsibly drink, before college and spring break, so bad stuff won't happen. Examples: drugging, rape, drunk driving, hangovers.

i started at 12......nope dont regret it....have the best laugh ever wen i am drinking with all da girls!!!!!
legal age= 18 in ireland
legal age should be 16!!

- first yr of highschool,so like 14? dont reallly regret it
-in US its 21 (boooo)
-it should really be 18

6th grade, I don't know how old I was, but me and my buddies would raid my dads fridge and get tanked off like to beers lol. There is no way in hell I regret it. I love beer. the legal drining age were I'm from is 21, and I still have a few more months to wait for that one; but it doesnt really matter since I have no trouble buying or getting into any bar I want. There should be no legal drinking age, but there should be a test, cause some idiots just shouldn't drink

15-No not so much

i was like 12 for the first time i got drunk n i got drunk with my big sister n my dad was there, n i dont regret it i did it in mexico when i went on vacation over there, the legal age over there its 18 but still they sell beer and wine to minors, i live in usa n still im not 21 yrs old but i still drink, thank god this year i will turn 21 an i will get to buy my own drinks when i go out!!!!! i think the legal age here in usa for people to drink its 18

1. I started drinking heavily at 15.

2. Sometimes, I do regret it. I don't know if I blame the alcohol for everything or just the all night parting in school that caused me to not play football and lose my scholarship. The drugs were bad too. But I still drink.

3. 21

4. when you become your own person and pay your own bills and have your own place and take care of your own mistakes.

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