How do I deal with my friend who is drunk?!

Question: I have a very drunk friend in my room right now (7 beers in an hour on an empty stomach). I don't drink myself and don't normally deal with any drunk people, so I'm at a loss. What should I do for him?

Answers: I have a very drunk friend in my room right now (7 beers in an hour on an empty stomach). I don't drink myself and don't normally deal with any drunk people, so I'm at a loss. What should I do for him?

The best and only remedies for a drunk person is lots of water and sleep. Ive found that just before I sleep, if I drink as much water as I possibly can, then usually by morning, I have no hangover.

Knock him out! He'll wake up and wont member a thing of what happened.

Give him food, but not too much, or else he'll just throw up. Also, plenty of water. Keep him on his side in case he throws up (so he doesn't drown in his own vomit).

See if you cn get him to eat anything. It will help soak up the alcohol in his stomach. Also, make him drink water. It will make him drunker at first, but he will also have to pee. He should be going alot already.

But make sure you have aspirin for the morning.

i hear that bread absorbs alcohol but only if u feed it to him right away. really all u can do is lay him down make sure he gets water so he isnt to dehydrated in the morning with a bad hangover and keep an eye on hiim all night. Theres alot of stuff they say u can do but a lot of it are myths. Just make sure u keep an eye on him while he sleeps

Give him plenty of water, as well as some good dry food to soak up the alcohol... dry toast, dry cereal, dry waffle. He'll sober up in good time.

just let him sleep it off ... but put him on his sides to he wont puke and drown in it.

He be ok in the morning with prob a hangover - then just give him food, water and juices


Take his beers Open it up throw it down the garbage disposal and tell him stop drinking or I'm sending you to rehab.

give him a fruit drink. usually when you are drunk or had too much alcohol, this causes dehydration. pop any fruit in the fridge...watermelon/mangoes/banana to your blender. add some syrup or some non fat sweetener if you have one. plus a cup full of ice. this should do the trick....and put his dunk a** to bed! he should be OK after minus the hangover. cheers!

Might want to be ready to call 911, they sould be dead soon.

have sex with, he will pass out for sure afterwards.

7 beers in a hour on an empty stomach gets you drunk???
When I am drinking, which is rare, I drink a 12 pack+ an hour

Shotgun three beers and try to take advantage of him, he won't remember anyway.

Pee on him, we used to do that all the time.

I'm sure he's sober by now. But what do you mean what should I do with him? You should have had a laugh with him. Drunk people can be funny.

Paint his toenails pink - lol

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