Are Booze Cruise's still worth it ?!

Question: I live in Cambridge and its a 300 mile round trip to Calais and back ( for me thats £40 in fuel) plus the crossing which is £15 all in. With a couple of coffees and a sandwich for 3 people my total outlay will be apprx £70 - I am likely to spend £300 plus on booze. Will the trip be worth it ??

Answers: I live in Cambridge and its a 300 mile round trip to Calais and back ( for me thats £40 in fuel) plus the crossing which is £15 all in. With a couple of coffees and a sandwich for 3 people my total outlay will be apprx £70 - I am likely to spend £300 plus on booze. Will the trip be worth it ??

we still go a few times a year. it's not such a bargain as it used to be, but, everything is cheaper, so you DO save money if you spend enough. we usually do £250-£300 on wine and spirits which would cost at least £400 here, so we've already covered our costs. but we also get fags for friends, and we do food shopping too. our aim is to have a nice day out that more than pays for itself.
and the things we buy are different to what you buy here, which we see as another bonus (thought some wouldn't!).
the train from folkestone is our favoured route - cite europ in calais has good enough supermarkets. calais itself has nothing, so a drive down the coast makes a nice trip (boulogne, wissant, wimereux etc.)

try and enjoy it!

I think booze cruises are always worth it, some alcahol are half the price in France and this will save you lots of money, and if you stock up enough it will last you a long time which will save you even more!!
The amount of money you spend on the trip there and back will be made up with the money you have saved on alcahol...

Of course it will, go get hammered and av one for me :-) lol

It is definately worth it but I would not go via Calais.
In Cambridge you are nearest to Harwich so you can go on the train, or drive, very easily.
You can go on the boat to Holland (cheep booze) and you can goto Denmark (women buy you drinks).

booze cruises are no longer a viable venture invariably beers and lager is now cheaper in your local supermarket and spirits are definitely cheaper also. MORRISONS are offering litres of whisky and vodka just to mention two and also branded to boot SMIRNOFF AND BELLS FOR £10 A LITRE AND NO WAY WILL YOU FIND PRICE LIKE THAT IN CALAIS ANYMORE. believe me you will get better value in the your local area.

to corky the prices in luxembourg are now cost prohibitive and not really worth going the extra 500 miles plus for the return trip not counting the horrendous traffic problems both in LILLE AND NAMUR the cheapest place to go for cheap cigs at the moment is anywhwere in spain (they are the same price all over Spain so it does not matter where you go the government fix the prices) or in 2008 Poland when they leave the transition period that as been imposed by the EU since they joined the EU.
for your information it is quite easy to go to Spain with RYANAIR for approx under TENNER RETURN plan your journey correctly and you can go there and back in the day I actually go every week. take STANSTED for instance you can take off from there at 8.05 and return and land at 4.30 in the afternoon of the same day. dont take my word for it check the the times on the web site. the place to fly to is Girona you can be in the tobacconists within twenty minutes of landing and back in the airport within one and half hours. three euros return bus fare you have to wait almost forty minutes for a bus for the return journey to the airport thats why it take a hour and half. I see you live in the north of england in that case use Robin Hood airport price at the moment one penny to go one euro to come back I hope I have given you some idea how to save money cheers

edit i cannot believe the first four answers
especially the one about travelling to harwich and going to the hook definitely not the way to do it even in the good days
the reason is the french government closed the loopholes that the booze warehouses were using in the past so cheap gear is no longer available save your money

I do a 750 mile round trip from the North of England a couple of times a year for Ciggies, Beer and Wine (and some decent food) I wouldn't go just for beer.
Unfortunately the greedy Belgians now think that the British will pay silly money for Tobacco and Cigs and have a nice little Cartel going with prices. I have had some good prices on cans of Beer though.
Next time I will go to Luxembourg - much cheaper - and not so grasping.
My advice - go with a few friends and share expenses - but make sure you each pay for get receipts for your individual purchases and keep goods seperate.

i dont think spending that much money is worth the trip, u can go other places, go some where nice but simple and still have a wonderful trip. think about it.........

go for it bring in some dope its easy now this time of year all the customs staff go shopping too

Only if you buy cigarettes and fill you tank up with fuel and take a few non smokers with you!

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