Ever stolen something when you were drunk,?!


Ever stolen something when you were drunk,?

noticed a lot of girls like to lift glasses and ash trays when pi--ed ,also knew one guy that liked to rob flowers...........

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2 months ago
no not a policewoman

2 months ago
lol so funny the things you do when drunk that you would never do when sober,i also took salt and pepper shakers once when out for a meal too much wine

2 months ago
no not a policewoman

2 months ago
lol so funny the things you do when drunk that you would never do when sober,i also took salt and pepper shakers once when out for a meal too much wine

Has anyone not? The best i heard was my stepdad, on a drunken stealing session, going into a police station & stealing the front reception desk! Lmao


Yeah. Actually one time my friends and i got really drunk at this weird restaurant, and I stole a small buddah statue that i have in my room now. lol.

A traffic cone..

But it looks very nice sitting in my bedroom =P

R u a police woman!!!

all my families drinking glasses come from me....from the pub....when i come home its chink....chink...chink.....

ya..............a shopping trolly!!!!!!!

Sorry I have never been drunk, so I wouldn't know.

a bus!! beat that honestly i did!! it was a double decker as well so do i get more points for that? and i asked the copper for his fair at 3 am

the only thing i stole when i was drunk was a NAP ZZZZ

yeah..ashtrays..glasses..even salt and pepper pots from restaurants!!! i have no idea why i do this? i wouldnt think of it while sober?

Booze from other people at the party..haha

Oh...a stray man's heart or two;)

lighters,matches,and hair ties. yea i know thats not really stealing but when i have a really good night i check my purse to find random lighters and matches of places ive never heard of and harities all on my arm. idk i think i steal them...? this happened to me mmm about 4 times so far.

lol me and some mates stole the last orders bell years ago and the hanging baskets when we were a little merry years ago now i am a good responsable man now lol

just other peoples drinks

Not to sure I have, but probably will now =P J/K

Nope. But I did know someone who was known to puke in people's mailboxes. Really must give you a thrill sticking your hand in the mailbox only to find out you just put it in a pool of someone else's vomit.

Not stolen but when I was younger I went through a phase of breaking car arials when I was drunk!LOL

hell yes purses money jewerly animals cars gasoline drugs ect ect

a chair! an entire chair from the outside terrace! walked a mile with it till i reached home!! turned back 2 days later.... was in bulle,switzerland.

Nope... never been drunk! I watched my 41 years old husband die from alcohol abuse... nastily... because he could 'hold his drink' and he stole a lot... got fired for it three times... and he beat me for twelve years... then developed epilepsy... as the drink slowly killed his brain cells... until one day... he had a massive seizure... followed by a heart attack... choked on his vomit and died on a cold kitchen floor at his dad's house... all alone... after I divorced him for the violence!

Left five kids damaged ever after inside their hearts and minds! And I'm still picking up the pieces of their damaged hearts and minds 26 years down the line!

It ain't the drinker wot suffers... trust me on that one... it's those wot luvs 'em kiddo! So in you daft and foolish behaviour inside binging... make a not to write that on your grave stone... when you follow suit!

As for stealing and finding it amusing... well... I stole once as a child and felt so bad about it... I never did it again...

A girl who didn't like me made a point of offering round her sweets to three girls I was with... and deliberately left me out... and then... put them in the pocket of her coat that was on the junior coat pegs... then went off laughing.

I was left alone and though my conscience didn't want to... I 'punished' her... by taking two sweets and returning the packet to her pocket... I doubt she ever noticed... but I never was able to forget the bad feeling that it left in me... once the 'high' of punishing her was gone... and the sweets as well!

From then on... I never took and never will take... anything that isn't mine to take!

I was ten years old at the time and the new girl and the smallest in the school... and a target for the bullies... until one day... I stood my ground and suddenly... the bullies backed off! One girl called my mum a 'cow' and I challenged her to meet me outside school... and wet myself all day... but I turned up thinking I would lose... determined to try... she didn't show... and from then on... I was the hero and she was labelled coward... same girl actually!

Weird ennit... how things pan out?


A pub in our town got a new sign over the door and they put the old one in an alley round the back - so one night me and my flatmate rang our mate with a van to come and meet us and we took it back to our flat - it had pride of place in our lounge for months!

unfortunately, yes. a ton of coasters from a bar/restaurant, salt and pepper shakers, my friend ripped off a plant with flowers on it the other day, they were outside this market by my house, he didnt get caught.

Relieved the Dutch Embassy of the large brass plaque outside their building in London in 1964 !

yes many fair maidens hearts!

Yeah i have done the ash tray and the glass thing in the past , but now that you say it i really haven't got a clue why!!!!!

I took a replica Flintlock pistol from an old pub in my home town. It sat in my loft for ages, then I sold it on Ebay for £50.
Who said crime doesn't pay?

I stole a full size parasol once when I was drunk. I took it to the cinema.

That was a fairly obscure night I can tell you.

But my friends no longer dare me to steal things when I'm drunk

During the fun years...tequila shot glasses. You build a tab and asssume you can keep the glasses

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