If someone has 2 coronas and 4 shots of vodka in a 2-hours time span, is that casual or problem drinking?!

Question: I met a man who is very nice; however, he knows that I do not drink and he does. In a 2-hours time span, he had coronas and multiple shots of vodka. I don't want to get a relationship started if he is a problem drinker. I already know the devastation of problematic drinking and its' PRIORITY in one's life. For those of you who do drink, is this casual drinking???

Answers: I met a man who is very nice; however, he knows that I do not drink and he does. In a 2-hours time span, he had coronas and multiple shots of vodka. I don't want to get a relationship started if he is a problem drinker. I already know the devastation of problematic drinking and its' PRIORITY in one's life. For those of you who do drink, is this casual drinking???

Then stay away from this one, even if he doesn't have a problem by definition he is working on it. Hook up with someone who holds the same ideals and interests you have. Please don't "lower" you standards to a level that will leave you vulnerable.

It's alright to be disappointed at a lost opportunity. But remember, there are a lot of healthier fish in the ocean, go catch a big one!

that addictive drinkin

Why don't you try it and see.

wow!! thats alot to drink in 2 hours


A Yea h

That is way to much drinking! Why do people do this? Can't they have any fun sober?

a little more than casual but not enough to be a problem

6 drinks

is a little much for one night and definitly for 2 hours.

OK is just once in awhile but if it is weekly or daily

I think the multiple shots of vodka is a problem. Why does anyone need that many?

That is problem drinking if i ever saw it. Try to stay away from him if he does that and wait till he is sober.

that sounds like a binge drinker

He is drinking to get drunk, and no that is not normal for a person to consume that much in two hours. I would not ride in a car with him either. If he were stopped he would be arrrested for DUI.

This is problematic drinking.

if he was just having fun and doesnt do it all the time or can't handle it and becomes uncontrollable then its a problem. but you can't determine a problem from just one event.

You cant tell if a person has a prob drinking in one night.

its called having a good time and if ur not to busy on here u could have a good time later

The next day... you'll see the great results!

May be. But he also may have been nervous. I allways did better after a few drinks.

thats nothing although saying that its not alot if out with your mates having a laugh but if he was on a date with you then thats a bit excessive.

That seems like an lot to me, and I drink. I think another factor to think about in the problem vs. casual debate is how frequently he drinks. If it is every day, but just one beer, that can still be considered a problem.

Be careful with this one.

If you're askng if you are an alcoholic then YES you are lol.

umm..I'm thinkning not normal, geez 4 shots and 2 whole bottles, yeah..not normal.

lol thats aint that much hunny i drink a 26er of vodka and 6 beers in like an hour that is casual dont worry

This depends on the frequency of the drinking, if this is a "night-out" thing then no, just a fun time. but if this is a consistent issue, as in every day for a long time than one should seek professional help before it gets out of hand.

If he drinks this much a couple of times a month, I don't see that as problem drinking. If that is what he drinks every night after work, it is a problem.

No, I wouldn't call it casual. Actually, I think anybody who drinks Corona has a problem but that's beside the point. He is either an alcoholic who requires six drinks in two hours to feel it or he enjoys being sloshed. Your instincts are good.

That's 3 drinks an hour; I'd say it certainly IS a problem, and is classic binge drinking. The boy is probably an alcoholic, most of whom ARE very nice.
Run for the hills, my dear, and run fast. There are plenty of nice guys out there who don't exhibit such extreme behavior.

me personally i would say that he has a problem that he's not admitting too or he may be a social alcoholic you never know, but i'm sure it isn't casual drinking

That's actually not a lot. It depends if you're out or not. I'm a female, short and average weight and I can drink that easily if I'm out partying and NO, I don't have a problem. There are MANY factors that have to come into play before you can write someone off as having a drinking problem. One thing to keep in mind is some people are NOT light weights. I'm not a light weight. So, if you're a light weight and you'd get buzzed off of that, then you might consider it problematic, whereas, if you're not a lightweight, that wouldn't be a lot...again, you need to ask many other questions. How OFTEN does he drink is more key. Hope this helps.

While this is a bit much, it does not mean he has a problem drinking. He could have just got carried away once with you. But what I do find troubling is he went out ith a non-drinker and drank in front of her. I drink but would not drink when I am out with a non-drinker as I want to be on her level.

To see if there is a problem, you should go out more then one time with him. if he continues at the same rate, I would say yes, that is a lot and leave him. Good luck.

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