How do I make the champagne spray everywhere when i pop the cork?!
Answers: is there a procedure?
Just take the foil and wire off. Then point the bottle away from anyone...the pressure will automatically spew the cork right out of the bottle and it will go EVERYWHERE! Trust me, I was serving at a super nice was in a museum and everyone was in their nicest gown! Anyway, I turned to hand someone the foil and wire that goes around the cork...and there the cork went, against the ceiling and champagne went everywhere. Good luck!!
shake it first.
shake it just a little but beware of the cork!
shake it up!!!
shake it and hold thumb over top keep shaking wit thumb on top
Shake it up! woo-woo, Shake it up
shake it ! be careful the cork don't hit some one in eye. Hold a cloth napkin over cork so you have some control.
You are all wrong!
The real way to do it is to wet yourself, and the cork will run away and the champagne (the cork's best friend) will follow after.
At motorsport events they don't chill the champagne first because the warmer the gas is, the more active.
Shaking it first always works, though.