Am I drinking too much?!


Am I drinking too much?

I drink occasionally. Maybe 3 glasses of wine over dinner, on the weekends. If I'm out with friends 3 or 4 cosmos over a period of 6 hours, every other week or so. I never felt dizzy or hungover the day after, but my mother in law and my sister in law had made remarks, and now I feel a little self conscious. Is it too much? How much do you drink?

Dear R:
This is a good question for all to see and attempt to answer. For in my opinion it varies from person to person. Your mother-in-law and sister-in-law are probably occasional sippers, (if that) and are looking to protect their little girl/sister. In their eyes your a drunkard. However in the eyes of someone who drinks much more, you're a tea-tottaler. Some people can handle it while others can't. I tend to look at behaviour resulting from the drinks rather than the drinking itself. I know someone who only drinks on Friday nights. The resulting behaviour is loud, boiserous, annoying, and downright embarrasing. On the other hand I know someone who drinks every night, and their behaviour is calm relaxed, and actually quite lucid. So who has the problem? I don't think it's a black or white thing. If you take AA's definition of alcoholism, anyone who ever walked into a bar should be going to meetings! By the way, in case your curious, I'm the second person described above. I have been a teacher for 28 years, and have never missed a day of work due to drinking. I have never had a DUI, and have never become violent or abusive as a result of drinking. I get mellow, relax, and play scrabble!! Just watch the behaviour..............therin lies the key!!

I drink more than that. Ignore your "inlaws" unless YOU feel like you drink too much. Thats what counts. You know yourslef better than anyone else.

Personal Opinion, no, you aren't drinking too much. Our liberal society has overblown the diagnosis on alcoholism just like they have on ADD. You are no more an alcoholic than I sec, i need another beer...just kidding. But seriously, if the booze starts adversely affecting other parts of your life, then you might want to get a handle on it. Otherwise, you might want to restrict your in-law contact, they sound annoying.

i dont drink no efence but slow down stop drinking my uncle is always drunk i hate it now i feel like crap now!!!!! great!!
ok well ur not like bad but it is badd 4 u so slow down k? search me and go to any of my questions to repley me plz repley!

yeah, if you kill a 30 pack of stones a day then you have a issue. Nuns drink more than you do!

If you have to ask someone that question, then you probably do.

Seems to me that you're a responsible social drinker and you should have no worries. Maybe limiting it to two glasses of wine at a time would be even more perfect, maybe not.

My own consumption has varied wildly depending on my health. If there's any little reason for me to quit cold turkey, I do so for as long as it takes (currently I've consumed zero since early January). But I normally enjoy having a bit after dinner on a regular basis; 2-4 portions depending. At times I've consumed slowly almost all day long--during a spring break in Florida a few years back, I would wake and get breakfast and coffee, get into the spa and bubblesoak for a couple of hours, and in the late morning I'd fill a big cup with ice, splash in a little Malacca gin (maybe 1/3 shot), fill with diet tonic and add the wedge of lime--and drink that all day long with breaks for beach time.

The key is: don't over-consume. Four cosmos over six hours is far from over-consumption. You're OK, ignore your paranoid relatives.

a six pack is too much i drink about two beer aday

Your level of alcohol consumption is moderate - maybe even low. In-laws do have a way of making us feel bad about ourselves. You're fine - keep on truckin'.

But if and when you get to the point that you are drinking every single day, more than one, it's time to cut back.

no not even close to drinking to munch

You must not have been married too long. After awhile, you won't really care what your MIL or SIL say about your lifestyle. However, I would say that they have no grounds to judge, you are a responsible social drinker (i assume you don't drive off into the sunset after consuming 3 or 4 glasses of wine). If you are making a spectacle of yourself, you might want to tone it down a bit.

Hell, you're BARELY drinking at all.

What?? Um im 28 & I have 2 glasses of red wine about twice a week & when im out with my friends or husband on fridays ill have about 6 mabie 7 cosmos! You sound like me asking this question about 5 months ago i was worried that i wass drining too much. Nah.

If you feel that it creates you some problems then maybe. If you feel ok then the quantity is not something special. In Greece and Spain where I ve lived this quantity is less than normal.

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