Do you act innapropriate on alcohol?!

Question: When im sobre im rather sensible but as soon as i start drinking alcohol or smoking weed i act like a tit.Is anybody else like this?LOL

Answers: When im sobre im rather sensible but as soon as i start drinking alcohol or smoking weed i act like a tit.Is anybody else like this?LOL

Only if you call peeing in the wardrobe inappropriate ;)

No, don`t drink enough or very often....

yup! and my mood is different everytime i have a drink. if ive got something on my mind i give whoever both barrells!! terrible really...

I act stupid so stopped drinking.

dont do alcohol...and if i smoked weed still..i wouldnt act anywhere near like a t*t on it as i do (and many do!)on the demon drink

Who isn't!?!
lol....all my mates say I'm crazy when I'm sober anyway, but when I'm drunk, I'm loud, lively and a real party animal!All of my man's mates, always tell me I'm funny when I drink and I'm always the life n soul of the party!lol....but I always wake up the next morning very embarrassed! lol

But it depends what mood I go into-I can either be very very lively happy and funny, or I can get very depressed if I'm on a downer (haven't done that in about 6months though thank God!) Or I can get very very violent, and start on everyone I see-that hasn;t happened in about 5wks-but it's embarrassing once you sober up!lol

But when I smoke weed I'm actually ok, I get a bit chatty, chat about loadsa random stuff, and laugh, but other than that I'm ok!!

But who cares mate!?! People are supposed to be idiots and have a laugh when they're drunk!Just enjoy it!

alcohol & weed are not a good combination,

i get happy and slur my words but i don't act like a tit

If I have a few drinks I get sleepy - very sleepy......

But if I go beyond those few drinks (past 6 or 7) than I get extremely flirty....

But that is when I do drink and it is rare and usually my husband doesn't let me get past my number 5....

I act rather silly when I've had too much to drink, so I don't drink very often these days, especially when I'm at a work-related event.

I have certainly said and done things I've regretted afterwards whilst under the affluence of incahol.

I don't think I drink enough to act inappropriately, but I have been known to do a firedance or two.

Yes siree ........... said and done some bizzare stuff .......

one of my fav sayings "sober thoughts are drunkn' words"

I actually act pretty normal when I am on the sauce. It is when I am sober that I sometimes act like a fool. I use alcohol to make me normal so that I can deal with the idiots that I work with and have to deal with on a regular basis. In essence, alcohol makes my world much more enjoyable and keeps me on an even kilter. Good times!!!

LOL I just act like a ti. 24/7/365 babe life's to short 2 be serious lol xx Don't necessarily need drink/weed lol xx

Inappropriate with or without alcohol.

Oh yes that's why I no longer drink or smoke J's. x

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