How much alchohol can i consume before getting drunk? Its my first time.?!

Question: alright, so on friday my friends and i are planning on getting drunk (no, we're not trying to be badasses). We just want to get drunk to, idk.. see how it feels. Yeah, its bad for you, but i just want to see how it feels.. idk. so anyway, my friends have already drank lots before but its my first time. How many beers will it take? i dont want to be bouncing off the walls while they're fine.. and how many shots of vodka will it take for me to get drunk? and.. how does it feel? thanks to anyone who can answer.

Answers: alright, so on friday my friends and i are planning on getting drunk (no, we're not trying to be badasses). We just want to get drunk to, idk.. see how it feels. Yeah, its bad for you, but i just want to see how it feels.. idk. so anyway, my friends have already drank lots before but its my first time. How many beers will it take? i dont want to be bouncing off the walls while they're fine.. and how many shots of vodka will it take for me to get drunk? and.. how does it feel? thanks to anyone who can answer.

Well, being your first time and all, you will most likely get buzzed or maybe slightly tipsy off one beer. After two, you will most likely be feeling tipsy, and by four you will be drunk.

But thats beer. Vodka is easier to get drunk off because you consume the same amount of alcohol in one mouthful as you do in one whole bottle of beer. So, you need to pace yourself extra with the hard stuff because you can drink it alot faster. The same stages of drunkeness apply with vodka if you drink it just as slow as you would beer.

As for the feeling, it is strange. You feel it coming on slowly (most times; sometimes it just hits you in the face though) and you get a odd sensation in your head. You feel more relaxed and you forget about all the things you normally think/worry about. It is called a buzz because the feeling kinda feels like a buzz in your head if you can imagine it. You focus more on immediate surroundings and what is happening in the immediate present time. You wont worry about things like what you are doing next week or what the weather will be like tommorrow. You focus purely on the present. It sounds wierd but it happens. When you're drunk, all the same feelings are the same but you thinking process is slowed. You walk around and you realize that you took a step after you actually did it for instance. Your brain is kinda lagging to comprehend things. Your balance is screwy, again because your brain doesn't comprehend that you are about to fall over untill you are actually almost on the ground. Also, a major thing i forgot to say is that it blocks your brain from creating short term memory. Say if you were to go to the bathroom and five minutes later, you would have to really put forth an effort to remember that you went to the bathroom. You watch a movie and things that occured earlier in the movie are only a blurry memory if anything.

So... don't apply this to your experience to much since people all react to mind altering substances differently but just take it as a little heads up on what might be coming. Above all though, just don't worry about it and have a good time.

oh yeah, and, be smart, be safe. lol

Each person reacts differently to alcohol

How old are you!? Alcohol should be comsumed in moderation not to get drunk.

You don't even sound old enough to drink. So no advice from me. I don't contribute in any way to minors.

It depends on your sex,weight, and height but since its your first time you will feel dizzy like after your 1st or 2nd beer and after a couple more you're going 2 start laughing,acting weird, and talking alot of crap.

P.S. don' t talk a lot while you're drinking it gets you drunk faster and don't drink too fast that''ll keep you in pace with the other guys. Make sure you're 21 already.

take it slow. drink a beer or two and see how you feel. Don't drink any liquor. You'll be F-ed

How big are you? If you are drinking beer drink about 3 or take 3 shots and wait 30 minutes to see how you feel. Keep in mind that you must likely will get sick so take it slow! It hard to explain how it loose your inhibitions and you want to talk to everyone, dance, and just have fun.

You'll probably be pretty wasted after like 3 or 4 shots if it is your first time. Becareful with the vodka. You can drink too much of it too fast and be bouncing of the walls hard.

Since it's your first time I would just stick with beer. It sucks getting so hammered that you make a fool out of yourself and wake up feeling like ****.

I started drinking in 8th grade and ended being a full blown alcoholic by the time I was 20. It was a terrible experience. Careful with that stuff.

I guess you are gonna find out huh?

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