Good drinking games.?!

Question: Let me know some good drinking games, and then the rules of the game.

Answers: Let me know some good drinking games, and then the rules of the game.

Beerpong- explained already
A**hole- with cards (google it)
Flip Cup- (google it)
Kings-cards (google it)

Beer ball- 4 people, 2 v 2, an unopened beer can in front of each person use 1 ping pong ball, throw it at the can, if you hit it open up the can in front of you and chug it until the opposing team gets the ball and puts it on the table and says "down", then it's their turn...continue until you finish your beer

Dizzy Bat- fill a wiffle ball bat with beer, use it to spin around with, chug it, then have someone pitch to you
Power Hour

7-11-doubles- you need 2 dice, and a cup with however much beer in the middle, you roll the dice if you roll 7,11, or double you pick someone to drink the cup in the middle, once they touch it, you continue to roll the dice tryin to roll 7,11,or double before they finish drinking, if you successfully roll 7,11,doub then you fill the cup with however much again and they try to finish before you again, you go in a circle.

Hockey - Everyone has a beer bottle in front of them, spin a quarter,call someones name they hit the quarter at someones bottle (you can block your bottle with 2 fingers only) if they hit the bottle successfully, the person who hit them spins the quarter and that person drinks until the quarter stops spinning (you can keep it spinning), when it stops the person stops drinking and the one who hit the quarter spins it and calls someone elses name

pin the tail on the donkey

beer pong-its a team of 4( 2 per team) set up a table with same amount of cups on each side of the table(the cups are filled with beer or smirnoff or any liqour you like) if u prefer hard core stuff do shots....youll need ping pong balls...
pick a team to go first
then the team going first has to try and get the ball inside the cup if they do it then the other team has to drink the alcohol in that cup the ball landed in
you keep doing this until one of the sides empties there cups first...the side who has the most alcohol left wins

Power hour: Get beer. Preferably Budlight, Everyone gets a couple of shot glasses, (some one has to be keeping track of the time and should probably not drink) but anyway, everyone takes a shot of beer EVERY minute for an hour. That's 60 shots of beer. (If you can keep it up for that long.) believe me, by 30 minutes, everyones WASTED.

it's good fun.

"The Board of Education"
You get a 2 x 4, long enough for 3 to 4 people, dixie cups (the wax ones), & glue them to the 2x4. Get different liquors (one for each dixie cup), fill the dixie cups to shot size. You must have someone sitting at each filled dixie cup. One person lifts the "Board of Education", and each person must be ready to drink whatever is in the dixie cup. Once that is done, you move one seat down until you have done all 4 shots. It may be more work than you want to do, but it's really fun after you make the actual Board of Education.

Pass-out, its a board game

the game BS its a classic u can look up the rules on google

Kings. No competition. Rules(Aces) and categories(jacks?) are the most fun.

flippy cup and beer pong

"What About Bob" Watch the movie and every time they say the name Bob ya drink. Sounds easy but there are parts of the movie where it is said a dozen time's in a minute. You'll be wasted!

a$$hole, best drinking game ever. Get a deck of cards and look it up on google

Up and down the river card game.
Pass out 7 cards to each player.
Each player will show their cards face up.
The dealer will lay down the first card from the deck.
The table will look like this
Anyone with that card takes one shot.
The next card two shots then three and four.
(Thats the up the river part.)
Now down the river. The dealer lays down the first card and if you have that card you pass it to someone else and they drink the shot. Then two, three and four shots.
After that you go back up the river and then down again until one person runs out of cards and the game is over.
It's very fun and make sure you have lots of beer because it goes really fast. Enjoy!!

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