Wat r the merits of smoking and drinking?!


Wat r the merits of smoking and drinking?

NONE whatsoever !!!!!!!
They are injurious to health !
Keep away or if already into it, give them up!!! & enjoy good health !!!!!

I don't think there is any merits of smoking but merits of drinking.
gandu sab jal jayega full gand marayega.bhosdi ke.

smoking and drinking are injurious to health. there are no bnefits from them so avoid them and take pledge that you will also motivate not to smoke and drink. they are injurious to health.

As far as I know there are no merits of smoking! Its been proved that if you drink moderately its good for your health. But it should be liquor like Red wine dont know about other liquors. Infact people who take red wine occasionally seem to live longer than people who dont drink at all. But liquor should always be taken in moderation.

smoking give style and drihnking give passion so smoking and drinking make mamximum satisfaction in sex.

Well of course smoking is not good for your health, but drinking in moderation is OK.

Smoking can be a very pleasant and relaxing way to spend one's time. It now has a social stigma in Ireland and the UK with a ban on smoking in public places coming into force in England in July. I think this is a real shame. I know its not good for you, but there's nothing quite like a pint and a smoke after a crappy day at work.

As for drinking, well I think it's all but scientifically proven that red wine is an aid to digestion, contains antioxidants and helps to combat heart disease.

The old adage of "all things in moderation" springs to mind.

My grandfather smoked 40 a day and drank a bottle of Scotch every other day, and its his 97th birthday in three days time.

(Mind you - he died in 1973).

makes you happy

Well, let's just put it that the merit of smoking and drinking are only temporary, like it feels good (which is why it is very addicting) and it calms you down.

Now ask yourself: What would you rather have, something that gives you temporary joy that tempts you to go for more, or avoiding permanent damage?

Think about it...

as a doctor .. i find myself obliged to answer you objectively ..
First .. about drinking : beer is good for diuresis..that is the function of the kidney in excretion urine. If somebody has a lazy kidney, they're advised to have a beer once or twice a week to increase the urine output.
Wine (and only a selection of it - Red Chardonnay) is good for the heart. It increases the cardiac output if consumed in moderate amounts,i.e one or two glasses per week only.
More than that is considered alcoholism and leads to liver chirrosis, and brain damage among other things!

Smoking however, is bad!! it's the most addictive substance ever, even more than heroin and cocaine. However it works on Nicotinic receptors in the human nervous system, which leads to a feeling of "relaxation" upon smoking. Many people claim smoking makes them feel better after getting upset.But chocolate has the same effects, and it's much less dangerous to the health. This reminds of a joke an old friend of my dad's said once : Smokers don't get old age diseases, don't get robbed and aren't attacked by dogs, because they die early, they cough all night which keeps robbers away, and dogs are scared of the sticks they use to help them walk.

Hope i was of some help.

1.The first merit is u will lose some amount of money in ur life that even to cause ur health bad.

2.It will eat ur time.

3.You will get lot of value addition to ur body health and to other who all r surrounding to u.

Drinking and smoking give happiness.
They give some stylish appearence.
If the limit exceeds then
they give sadness and
bad appearence also.

it kills you

about smoking:

it stimulate the central nerve system.(so people think little fast and be little more alert). in the same case smoking increase the blood carbon dioxide level in the blood. so people felt fatigue. they procrastinate the work at the time of emergency. it also gives some of the mental relief.
about alcohol
it is a good anti depressant, diuretic,appetiser and anti oxidant also it increase the blood flow to the heart. all the above benefits are only at low dose.
when in high dose.
it drastically reduce the alertness. presence of mind,mainly it makes liver failure.( it makes problem in head to tail)
also both of them produce financial loss and social disturbance(India)

i suppose there r any positive aspects to it..u would become a drunkard if u drink and a chain smoker if u smoke..can die of liver and multi organ failure..which can be the end result.

i hope for your sake ur talkin about marijuana, why would u smoke cigarettes, it doesnt even get you high...unless u think its "cool"...a fine cuban on the other hand is alway acceptable..and drinking is fine, dont listen to these health nuts, turn the bottle up like a playuh....only listen to them about cigarettes, there bad for u and stupid,

Perhaps a small dose of Churchillian wit to highlight the relative merits :

Sir Winston Churchchill ,who perhaps you are aware of, was known to be quite partial to quality cognacs ,and fine cigars ,was one fine morning interrupted by his celebrated General Montgomerie (Monty ), who walked in sprightly as ever and said ," Sir ,I don't drink ,I don't smoke ,and I am a 100% fit ." With that famous bulldoggish scowl , and the ubiquitous cigar dangling from Sir Winston's lips,the repartee
was ," My dear Monty ,I smoke ,I drink ,but I am 200% fit " !!

So my friend it's all a matter of opinion . As far as I am concerned ,if I smoke I do not exhale ,and If I drink ,I drive so that my driver's licence expires before I do !!

Just a tiny matter now on smoking . In India all cigarette packs only contain a STATUTORY WARNING of a legal nature ,unlike the USA ,where it is the Surgeon General omniously issuing a health warning . So in India ,it is only the law that warns you about the health downside. So why the heck care - smoke -the long arm of the law takes a long time coming.!
If during your lifetime ,you were never able to achieve or collect anything noteworthy ,now is the time to do so by smoking and drinking- you may soon be the proud owner of
a LUNG CANCER(upgraded and latest model), or a "crashed " LIVER ( which I assure you can be rated several notches higher than a 'crashed computer'!).

Think of all the fame and publicity that will surround you- you will figure on the front page of every CANCER & CIRRHOSIS glossy . PHILIP MORRIS ,JOHNNIE WALKER etc will buy you out for astronomical sums . Just think about this ,and let me know IF you wake up tomorrow.

CHEERS mate :)

My Grandfather used to told me : Do what you want and when time comes to pay the cost,just be a man!He was a wise man! ...So smoking and drinking are both very strong but enjoyable adictions.If you gonna smoke,just smoke the best,if you gonna drink just drink the best!
Life is short,i think that the best is to live with your rules.

u gain nothing by smoking and drinking.....................s... people drink to forget things and some smoke for pleasure.............but if u want to harm u'r internal organs and kill u'r self then its ok

Health Wise-
There are no merits of Smoking.
Drinking in Moderate amount -Wine - is said to be good for health.

There are no merits of smoking . There r all demerits only.

you can become unconscious easily

Smoking will delay any type of healing in the body and it will deposit carbon in the lungs and one can leave this earth much before the destined time to enjoy!
Drinking will take off one's proper thinking power and it will give an edge over him/her for his/her colleagues.

i would have been a better person to tell u the demerits of drinking and smoking ....merits i cant find one...


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