Help! Hangover!!?!


Help! Hangover!!?

What shall i do!? hair of the dog is not an option!

Scotch Egg is excellent, so is Lucozade.

Learn your lesson! and get on with life!

lots of water

get a quick cold beer

Me, banging loudly on a pot next to your ears. Jaaaa, that'll teach you. Take to Panado's and lie down with a cold pack of peas on your head. :)

take a pain killer, large glass of water and a half hour kip... it always works for me :) ... and chocolate, but that works for everything!

Hope you feel better soon

Aspirin (or Ibuprofin) and a sports drink like Gatorade

bread, pastry, lots of carbs.

lots of waterr, strawberry ribena is particularly good.

and learn your lesson!

I just heard today that Milk and Coca Cola (sounds yuk) works. Cant hurt to try I understand its 50% each.

best thing to do is dirnk more alcohol, sounds crazy but it works....also if u dont got nothin to do but lay around, smoke a little pot, thats the best cure there is but not if u have work or class

lots of black coffee

Drink lots of water and try eating something sweet choc as gives you a bit of energy and try taking some paracetamol.

i cant help you....but i have hangover as well, i feel your pain

drink carrot juice, and lots of water !

Drink gatorade. It really helps. Drink lots of water too. If its really bad, take hydrite. Hope u'd feel better :)

Drink orange juice and/or water. Get some fresh air.

Remember not to drink too much next time.

mix together warm water and honey, then drink.

Drink plenty of water.

Lucozade and crisps usually work for me, plus rest and lots of water. Also a stogy breakfast usually helps balance the lost equilibrium.
Great escuse to eat unhealthy lol!

If you're at work -

Buy yourself a lucozade and take two painkillers.
Drink lots of water
Take a shower (work gym?)
Eat something like a bacon roll - lots of carbs
Take lots of loo breaks and get 10 min powernaps while sitting on the loo
Hope it passes soon
Cover it up well

If you're at home -

Drink something sugary
two painkillers
Lots of water
Eat loads of stodge
Take a bath (more relaxing than a shower)
Lay on the sofa with some c**p daytime tv
nap the afternoon away

Repeat above until feeling better...

Being sick helps if you can then
Alka seltza lots of water at least 2 pints
Bacon, sausage and egg sandwich
Red bull or Lucazede for energy

Andrews salts. When I've been drinking heavy i mix up a bottle and carry it round with me all day. Someoone mentioned milk and coca-cola - it works and is damn tasty!!!!

Your going to have to trust me on this one. I was at a major convention where I had to be on the floor all day and the sellers would take you out drinking all night. I was walking in to the arena one morning and I must have looked real bad because this older lady said, "lord you look like you need help. Got a bad hangover?' i had to laugh and then she told me she had a sure fire cure and it works every time. I tried it and within 1/2 hour I was feeling a hell of a lot better. Ready for it? Midol. Thats right Midol. Read the lable. it describes hangover symptoms perfectly and now you know why women get so pissed off. They effecively have a bad hangover every month. Try it! I swear to god it works better than anything else out there!!

Loads of water followed by a full english breakfast always works for me.

Drink orange juice or take a vitamin tablet to top up your vitamin C - one of the reasons you feel so bad is that alcohol takes vitamin C from your system. You also need to rehydrate so drink plenty of fluids.

The miracle hangover cure which always seems to work for me is to get some fat in my body; personally I favour chips and cheese, does wonders!

I also find drinking coke (not diet) or a yogurt smoothie helps to perk me up a bit. Smoothies tend to slide down easier when you're feeling queasy, and fizzy drinks are well known to settle your stomach. I wouldn't recommend both together though!

Finally a paracetamol can sort out that pounding head, and if you've got the time, a lay down in a dark cool room will help enormously!

Alka seltza, lucozade and chill out on the sofa for the day.

be tough rough it out, keep your self busy, drink loads of water and take 2 pain killers. Hope it was a good night and was worth it

toast! seady bread toast if you can. if not, white bread taost will do. dont put anything on it, trust me, dont bother. and a sip or water for ever half slice you eat. well, when im hungover thats all i can manage.

some say a bloodymary, some say that bad food help- like a fry up or a mcdonalds.

Lucozade is will re-hydrate you which is what you need!! - dont do it again ok??!! - lol!!

Mcdonalds Milkshake!!

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