Why is drunk driving so fun?!

Question: You're the argument against freedom.

Answers: You're the argument against freedom.

Because you havnt killed a small child yet!!! GROW UP

cuz u dnt know wtf u doin and u go fast w no fear and just wildin out but its no good to do


It may seem fun until you hurt someone or yourself or get a DWI after that you will be the only one not laughing. Everyone one will be laughing at you!

Not funny at all. My father and my uncle were both killed by drunk drivers.

This is not funny!!
I bet it will be fun, when your in jail for killing someone while driving drunk!, hahahah so much fun

Back in the day, few people drove who had not consumed some alcohol. However, that's when cars were made of thick metal...not out of aluminum foil...ready to crumble. We rarely heard of fatalities due to driving under the influence back then. Also, there were no seatbelts, no air bags...and some cars had what were fondly called "Suicide Doors," which meant they opened the wrong way...making it easy for a passenger to fall right out.

It's the fact that cars are now made as 'disposable' (like furniture, appliances, and nearly everything else) that has more to do with the accidents. You make a cheap product, it's not going to save you from being killed in a drunk driving accident.

It's probably so fun because you're a freakin' idiot!

Because drunks are stupid when they are drunk and doing stupid stuff is fun to stupid people that don't really have mental facility to know what they are doing is really not a good idea.

you lose all your inhibitions.

Because you hasn't gone to jail for it yet, or maybe DUI school, see how much fun it will be then.....

wait until you get caught than you some $2000 in fines

Personally I think they should create a walled lane just for drunk drivers and let them kill themselves while driving. Problem solved.

It's not fun at all. Driving drunk means committing an unforgivable crime! You will inevitably be fined heavily and imprisoned if you cause an accident.
A car could be a potential weapon at any time. When you are drunk, you will be even more likely to cause an accident than when you're sober.
It is quite important to be aware that drunk driving can lead you to an irrevocable situation and to ingrain the following in your mind; If you're drunk, don't drive. If you drive, don't drink!

Here's a different perspective:

Why do some people find bungee jumping, sky-diving, and speeding so much fun? I bet one reason is because it's so exhilarating, especially when you seem so close to death. You beat death every time you survive something like that.

The thing about drunk driving is that it isn't controlled. It isn't safe for you or for anyone around you, and people probably WILL die because of you doing it. As fun as it could be, is that a price you want to pay? There are much better ways to have fun, or even to die while having fun.

please dont do this its so irrisponcible, i dont care if someone drink drives and hurts themselves thats there own stupid fault. but what about if that drunk person is haveing "FUN" and runs over my mother...sister...daddy.. or me. And when that person is haveing so much "FUN" and they kill themselves....think of how that persons family will feel, will your mum and dad be at your funeral smileing , and laughing saying "well at least he was haveing FUN when he died" and the 5 year old little girl he killed in the car he hit is haveing "FUN " now too in intensive care and her parents are have ing "FUN " in there caskets wont it be "FUN" for the little girl to be crippled for life.. and being an orphan wow, gee wizz i wish we could all have soo much "FUN" ( this is not personally directed at you because u didnt say u drove drunk.. i just feel realy strongly that drink driveing is realy selfish)

could you live with your self if you did it and killed someones mother or daughter or son?? not only that can you pay the $1700 when you get caught the first time or even what if you still stupid and got a second and another $2500 a month in jail and then no license for 8 yrs? think about those things real hard b4 you do it again ITS NOT WORTH IT!!!

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