Where can I buy a beer bong? Or is it better to make one?!
Answers: no online stores please
Home depot, Lowes, Ace all have the parts you need. Make sure you put a valve on the end so you don't have to hold it in your mouth while dumping the brewski's in. That way your mouth is on the valve and open it right into your mouth...
I'd just make one, it's cheaper that way I suppose. Just a large funnel and a clear plastic tube.
I think it is better to make one then you can have as big or small of one u want. and u can have something to talk about at the party when people ask where u got it at.
why buy one? just go to your local hardware store and buy a nice big funnel and a length of clear platic tubing large enough to fit on the end of the funnel...
home depo has all u need..
Get a funnel some tubing and a valve from any hardware store....the valve is crucial