To Drink or Not?!

Question: I'm doing some research and am trying to get different opinions. Why do people drink alcohol?

Answers: I'm doing some research and am trying to get different opinions. Why do people drink alcohol?

in my little group of friends, we all drink for different reason.

I drink for the taste.
one of my friends drink to forget her stress.
another drank to be not left out.
another pretends to drink to be not left out.

I don't know. I don't drink it at all because I don't like it.
Some people I know only drink socially.

to help relax dual the pain....they just cant help it

,to socialise , to relax ,,they enjoy it ,,to calm nerves on a date etc there are many reasons to drink and probably just as many not too each person has a different point of view so good luck

to get drunk have fun get laid...and be cool!

I think people drink because it makes it "easier" to socialize. A shy person suddenly becomes outgoing and confident. Some also feel awkward when they are not drinking. This is not the problem drinking...

After alcohol is a stimulant, it becomes a depressant. People will cry, mope, and then you have your angry drunks.

Fun, confident, happy person suddenly turns in to mean, crying, emo person.

Then you have your alcoholics, alcohol makes their "problems" go away. They depend on the drug to get by everyday, also a problem.

So I think most people drink alcohol because they like the way they feel after the first few drinks, not realizing that alcohol can be a depressant and you can become addicted to it.

i used to drink but i realized it is a waste of time and money kills people and destroys lives..i think that is about it..don't drink..just say no

i would say that it is because of influences...the people or things around them...

to have fun and relax...but i hate

People drink for many different reasons. Some people do it just to get drunk (bad idea), other people do it to have fun and to hang out with friends to have a good time socially with others, others do it to drown their sorrows (which is a bad thing of course), others do it just because. Certain drinks also go well with food. Wine is a popular drink to have with food that also helps to enhance the flavor of the food.

It helps to loosen up, because it hinders your inhibitions. Things you wouldn't normally do or say are done and said because your judgement is not as good when drunk.

From what I've seen:

1. They do it because they can.

2. Young people do it to rebel or because they think it's cool, or maybe even because they were exposed to it by their parents or someone else.

3. Many people do it to relax.

4. Similiarly, a buzz does make people let loose (which in turn allows them to have more fun than maybe they would have otherwise.)

6. Some people are addicts.

5. Some people just like the taste.

My dad was heavily addicted, but quit 5 years ago. He still drinks non-alcholic beer on occasion, which tells me he's in it for the taste.

And maybe just holding a bottle has an effect on the drinker. I've heard that just holding a cigarette has a "calming" affect on smokers.

ok im young and i drink alcohol because of my position of life, i hate my family they wont let me do anything. they think be at home 24/7 will keep me safe. ANd the person i love and who loves me back LLOVES another GIRL and SHE LOVES HIM TOO, and alchol puts me in a position where everything is alright and nothing bad will happen to me. and that my mind is cleared and theres nothing to worry about.

I used to drink very seldom but gave it up when I got married 60 years ago, haven't missed it. A true story: I used to do service work in peoples homes, I went to a house and the fellow had been drinking, he asked me if I wanted a beer, I said no, I quit drinking many years ago, he said if you had my problems you would be drinking to. He also mentioned he had been drinking all night, I asked him if he still had the same problem and he said yes. I told him if he had spent the time trying to solve the problem he would not feel sick in the morning. He agreed.

I drink beer because I like the taste. Especially Great Lakes Brewing Co.'s Christmas Ale!!!! Any time I drink liqueur I'm just trying to get drunk!! Not very often though!

You will find two major sides in this discussion.

Those that drink to get drunk. They will generally be the college and younger crowd, who will drink whatever they can afford, with no real interest in quality. Cheap American lagers and bottom shelf booze used just to get tipsy, or in the case of underage, rebel against society/family/whatever. No regard for quality or craftsmanship, they can normally be spotted in a crowd by the "whatever is cheap or free" comment.

Those that drink for the flavor. Homebrewers, and beer/wine snobs. In the case of homebrewers, we have an appreciation for the time and work that goes into a good beer or wine. We know how it is made, what is used to make it, and what the different styles of beer and wine are. Beer & wine snobs fall into this category as well because they have an appreciation learned over years of careful study, research, and side by side comparisons of numerous brands and styles. These people can be picked out of a crowd by their requests for beer that others may have never even heard of before.

I drink when I am happy or mad or sad !! I guess I just drink whenever I want for whatever reason I can find hehehe :}
But I don't drink much just on weekends or sometimes 2 a month depends !!

initially they take up this habit to relax but ultimately end up in stress!

It helps relieve stress and helps break down the walls that hold you back from doing or saying what needs to be done or said. It helps me focus on what I need to do and offers insight into what is holding me back from accomplishing what I need to do. I also like the way it tastes, whether it is beer or liquor and I like the way it makes the girls drop their panties. Good times!!

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