How meny days it takes red wine . i am making with red juce graps?!


How meny days it takes red wine . i am making with red juce graps?

It you just want to let it go until you have alcohol, or until it actually tasted GOOD.

5-7 days for alcohol, 5-7 months to taste OK, 1-5 years to get really good...provided everything is done right.

mabe a week or so, sample and taste.

I used a kit to make red wine that started from grape juice concentrate and that took a couple months...

The fermentation will last about two weeks, depending on the temperature and the strain of yeast used. Usually after a week or so you strain the pulp and skins out of the liquid and return it to the fermenter to finish fermentation and settle completely. It always takes me 4 to 6 months before the wine is bottled. If you bottle too soon you will wind up with sediment in the bottle.

If you are making this wine without sulfites then you may want to bottle it sooner to reduce the chance of exposure to bacteria that cause it to turn to vinegar, just be aware that there will be sediment in the bottle, and that fermentation my not be complete, and it may build pressure in the bottle, at best this will cause the wine to sparkle, at worst it may actually blow out the cork, making a huge mess

It all depends
Best bet ...go to :

i wouldn't even bother to make wine from red juice grapes. theres 2 different species of grapes vitis labrusca and vitis vinifera. wine is made from grapes belonging to the vitis vinifera family, while juice grapes (like the concord grape) come from vitis labrusca. the wines made from vitis labrusca is very "foxy" (thats the technical term) but very musky with a distinctive off flavor and aroma.
but if you still insist on making your wine from juice grapes theres some key points to take in to effect. how much residual sugar do you want, because that determines total fermentation time (between a week and three, depending). then because its a red wine after fermentation you need to let it rest in oak for at least a month to allow for malolactic fermentation so that the wine won't be ridiculously overbearing. so my answer i guess is about 2 months minimum (most of the top high end reds out there don't make it to the bottle for at least 3-4 years).

rose wine=2-1day
red wine=1-2 weeks
white wine=use white grape to make wine or only the juice of the red grape

You should probably learn to spell before you make any wine.

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