Should the drinking age in th U.S be lowered?!

Question: Yes. 18 should be the age of majority for everything: alcohol, driving, scary movies, porn, cigarettes, firearms, military service, marriage, voting, gambling, lawsuits et cetera. We drag out adolescence way too long in this country.

Answers: Yes. 18 should be the age of majority for everything: alcohol, driving, scary movies, porn, cigarettes, firearms, military service, marriage, voting, gambling, lawsuits et cetera. We drag out adolescence way too long in this country.

nope but marijuana should be legalized along with the liquor


God no....they can't handle it now!! It should be raised to 25..

NO... if anything it should be raised... because NOBODY knows LESS how to handle their alcohol than a TEENAGER.

no it should even go up.

Nope... maybe they should raise it...

Yes it should. If a kid can go off to war, and is expected to use his weapon to "kill the enemy" then why shouldn't he be allowed to have a beer?

yes it should, if they think that 18 is ok to send us into war, then why wouldnt alcohol be ok at 18???

No. While it is true, those not of the legal age to drink will continue to find ways of obtaining alcohol, lowering the age will not solve anything. In my experience, even adults way past the legal drinking age still don't have the maturity to handle alcohol.

If I was under 21, then I would say "Yes" Now that I'm a adult, I don't want some annoying kid ruining my buzz while I'm sitting at a bar.

no i dont think it should be

Yes, lower it back to 18. If you can die for your country, why can't you have a drink?

idk, but the driving age needs to go up.

No. Theres enough drunks out there. But I believe if you serve in the military and willing to defend our country then your military ID should be able to get you some drinks.

Maybe for the people who are serving in the armed forces and have to go overseas to their possible deaths. If they can be ordered to go die for their country, then they should be able to have a drink before they die.

they've either got to raise the voting age, or lower the drinking age.....because with some of these candidates.....people need a drink, so they have an excuse for putting them in charge

i think it should be lowered for the people in the military only to 18. they allowed to die for the country they should at least be able to drink.

Definitely not

the thing with alcohol is that when done responsibly, it has no issues, you just feel a little tipsy, maybe you get smashed now and then but that is when your about to hit the sack anyway.
the problem is not with alcohol but with the amount of stupidity and retardedness that fulfills our world as of now.....
stupid and retarded people when drunk do stupid things.....and who gets the blame....everyone....
its like being in the wrong place at the wrong time...
but we just can't escape, since we are trapped on this planet....for now.....dammit!
and yeah legalize marijuana

P.S. Mafia, please don't come after me.....Marijuana has to be legal one day, you can always make money off kidnapping....

Definitely NOT. There are too many drunks out on the streets to begin with without creating more.
There is so much More to life than getting DRUNK. Watch a Drunk, and see how they make fools of themselves. to say nothing of what it does to a persons health, and next day headaches and feeling like he... NOT worth it. and there is no shame in being the one in the crowd who drinks milk, water, soda, or any fruit juice. THAT'S commendable, shows you have a back bone and courage, and morals, and are not willing to be a sheep and follow the other sheep.

smatter o fact, i only just managed to get 3 year old wine, so it should be raised - in big glasses filled to t'top,

For what purpose? To let kids make stupid decisions to get drunk, drive and kill someone?


NO some kids are way to young and you have to be and all drugs ciggirets and every thing should be BANNED sorry about spelling

No bc people are actually getting worse. I'd say the driving age should be raised to 18 at least.

Yes and No. Yes, mabe to the age 18 because then kids wont really want it, they want what they dont have and dont appreciate the things that they do. .(that goes for some teens not all of them!) I know many teens that drink and party. And No because the brain isn't completely done developing and it can cause problems if abused! Their is a possibility of more teen deaths because its obvious they drink to get drunk - and they dont know what they are doing- some pull stupid stunts and get them selfs hurt!

I am underage but I say it needs to be raised. Kids do not know how to handle their alchol consumption. You have kids who are 15-17 hanging out with 21 yr olds so they are getting their beer as often as they wihs. But I believe that if the drinking age would be raised you would stop some of the younger kids from drinking.

Definitley. I'm over 21 too, and I still think this. It's absolutley retarded that you can serve & die for your country and vote to elect all of the officials in your country, yet the government still deems you too immature to consume alcohol...ridiculous. We are the only (modernized) country with this high of a drinking age, and really, all it's doing is leading to more underage violations for people 18 and over. It's stupid.

Wow, I picked this topic to push my points over 1000.

OK, my two cents. Yes, I think it should be lowered.
at 18, a person can get a full time job, they can move out on their own, they can join the military and die for their country... but they can't have a beer?

If at 18 a person is considered an adult, then all other rights and privileges should be extended to them at that age. Take an example from other countries where the drinking age is lower, there isn't anarchy in the streets there.

Now look back here, kids are drinking at 18, and some are not being responsible with it. Why? Because it is rebellious and bad, something that can only be done to excess to prove how cool and grown up you can be. at 21 when they can legally drink you don't see as much glamor surrounding alcohol, it isn't because they are older and more mature, it is because it isn't illegal anymore. Take away the illegality at 18 and the thrill kind of looses its appeal.

Yes. My 7 year old needs a beer.

it might as well be cause we always find a way to get it underage anyways.

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