How much beer are you allowed to consume on a brewery tour? Milwaukee,WI?!
How much beer are you allowed to consume on a brewery tour? Milwaukee,WI?
The wife and i are headed to the Miller brewery in Milwaukee in a few months. I was wondering how many cold ones we are allowed to try. Do they let us get blitzed on the tour? If so, do they have wheelchairs? Is a sober cab recommended afterwards?
Additional Details2 months ago
Rickenwhatever, that is the dumbest statement I have ever heard...
2 months ago
Rickenwhatever, that is the dumbest statement I have ever heard...
the brewery tours in WI let you drink as much as you can handle...if you wanna get blitzed they don't really care. and just for extra info they also let you drink as much as you want if you work there...on the job as long as you don't get blitzed before your shift is over.
my boss...he lived in Milwaukee
Why the hell would you want to get drunk on a tour!?
they probably wont let you drink there since ur probably gonna have to drive later on.