How do you recork wine?!


How do you recork wine?

I've bought my first bottle of wine and I cannot figure out how to recork the wine bottle again. I've tried using the cork screw and it won't work out. Any suggestions? Whoever helps me close my bottle of wine gets Best Answer! Please

By recorking you mean putting the cork back in? It won't fit? Sometimes plastic corks won't. I've sliced a bit of the cork off to make it fit. Be careful not to cut yourself, though; those corks are tough.

I think you can buy corks meant to recork wine.

There are devices on the market, I think they're called vacuvins, that will suck the air out of the bottle before you put the cork back. The idea is: getting rid of the air helps the opened bottle of wine stay fresh longer.

Alternatively, you can just drink up!

you probably have an expanding cork all you have to do is turn it upside down to the skinner side and push it in.

keep those in bottles with caps rather than corks

Your not supposed to have any left over, but if you do you should get those replacement corks, they sell them at Bed Bath and Beyond and it makes the process easier, or as one of the other answers stated to turn the cork over and use the skinnier side. Have fun

Wine with a cork instead of a screw cap is meant to be drank when opened and generally the cork will not fit back on.

Try turning the cork upside down!!! it should be a little smaller than the other end and should fit no problem!

Wines are meant to be drunk soon after opening. At the very most you can drink them the next day but I wouldn't keep most wines open much longer than that. Simply turn the cork over and push in as much as will fit. Then put it in the refrigerator until the next day when you will finish the bottle.

Your wine will go bad if you keep it much longer than that.

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