Is drinking underage "wrong"?!

Question: I recently got in trouble at a party for drinking underage. I know I have to face the consequences with what I did, but the truth is I really don't feel guilty. All I was going to do was hang out with a few friends, have a couple beers, sleep over night (so I wouldn't be driving) then go to work in the morning. My mother is freaking out, worrying that im on the wrong path and that im going to turn into an alcoholic or something. I feel that she is taking it to far, but I guess I can understand why. So anyways should I feel bad for what I've done?

Answers: I recently got in trouble at a party for drinking underage. I know I have to face the consequences with what I did, but the truth is I really don't feel guilty. All I was going to do was hang out with a few friends, have a couple beers, sleep over night (so I wouldn't be driving) then go to work in the morning. My mother is freaking out, worrying that im on the wrong path and that im going to turn into an alcoholic or something. I feel that she is taking it to far, but I guess I can understand why. So anyways should I feel bad for what I've done?

I disagree, to an extent, with all of the people who are saying that drinking underage is a bad, bad thing. However, I would be highly disinclined to vote for a law to lower the drinking age at this point in U.S. history. Had we started off as our ancestors and accepted the moderate consumption of alcohol as a perfectly acceptable part of daily life (i.e., a glass of wine with dinner, etc.), it wouldn't be the major issue it is today. I also believe that alcoholism, drunk driving and other alcohol related offenses would be greatly diminished, as evidenced by many Europeans. The French, Germans, Italians and Spanish all incorporate alcohol as a part of their lifestyle - and in all cases, the "underage" are invited to partake as well, if in somewhat smaller or diluted quantities.

I believe that if children were responsibly introduced to alcohol, there would be far fewer drunk driving accidents, as well as the resultant fatalities that tend to occur. (Keep in mind... The intoxicated driver is usually the one to walk away from the collision.) The majority of Europe has 16 set as the legal drinking age - and the majority of Europe has 18 set as the legal driving age. (Europeans are also much more strict when it comes to driving infractions than we Americans are.) Whether it was designed by intent, or just a wise move, this allows people to learn their tolerances for alcohol before getting behind the wheel of a car - or making the responsible choice and not driving.

When I lived in England, nearly 15 years ago, I had the fortunate pleasure of being able to visit Germany. While there, my family and I attended a festival that was going on. I don't recall what the festival was for, but I do recall that there were a lot of Germans drinking a lot of beer - and of the ones I saw leaving the festival, not a single one climbed into a car and drove.

Simply put, I believe that alcohol (in moderation) is not a bad thing at all. I do not necessarily agree with the "no minimum drinking age" in places like China, Portugal, Fiji and Armenia - but I do most definitely think that we have our priorities backwards. Drinking should be introduced long before anyone is allowed behind the wheel of a 2,000 pound machine capable of moving 80+ miles per hour.

You should accept what you did as wrong. It is a law and you broke the law. If you drove and killed someone under the influence would you say you dont feel guilty. If one of your friends got alcohol poisoning? It is so easy to make mistakes when your senses are impaired.Taking responsibility is hard when you are young, but the laws are there for reasons.

Underage drinking is unhealthy, illegal, but not morally wrong. Your mother is just worried about you because she loves you. Be happy that she cares.

no, you shouldn't feel guilty for what you did. but maybe a little guilty for making your mom freak out. shitt, before i was 21 i drank often and luckily never got into any trouble. it's not like you're the only underager drinking. don't worry about it. at least you were responsible enough to know driving wasn't an option and spend the night somewhere. what you did is something that teens and underagers have been doing for decades. don't sweat it. just tell mom you're sorry and that you'll be more responsible. she'll get over it.

Ive been in that sitution yourself.
Your mom should at least give you credit for being safe..
you wernt planning to drive and you wernt getting wasted or anything.
i dont think you should feel bad for what you've done..just make sure that your always careful!

It is not wrong, the drinking age in this country is crazy. You can go to war and die but you can't drink. I had my first drink at 9 (my dad let me try rum and coke), and I rarely drink now.

No, honestly cause most all parents did it as kids and it will keep happening. The only reason it would be considered "wrong" would be the fact after you are intoxicated what you do next (i.e driving, getting into a fight, vandalism etc), but other then that if you are responsible and know how to handle yourself and your environment it should be fine.

Yes., Your not the only person who drinks underage.. lots does.. when u drink.. lots of people still think they got control over there body but they don't.. u may hop n a car n call urself driveing.. but really u don't kno what ur doing at all cause the next morning lots people be like dangggmmm what did i do last night... never kno.. so just be careful next time.. cause next thing u kno it wont be a next time..

Well, quike frankly, if you're underage it IS wrong to drink becasue it's against the law! If something were to have happened to you wherever you were staying, the adult in the house would have been legally responsible.

As far as your mom goes, she's just worried about you, that's all. It shows she cares.

yes you should.
drinking under age damages your brain and you could get addicted to it.
be happy that your mom cars about you.


1. It's illegal. That right there makes it wrong.
2. Your brain isnt done being developed and you're already destroying it. Good job.
3. Studies show that those who drink under the age of 21 are more inclined to becoming alcoholics. Mom didn't make that one up. The reason behind it is that when you start drinking your very first drink, your body reacts to the alcohol a lot sooner and quicker than someone who drinks reguarly. Your body then becomes accustomed to it and you have to drink more to get the same effects you had the first time. And this never stops.

So yes, I think it is wrong.

The exact same thing happened to me last month.
I dont think it's wrong as long as you're responsible, which sounds like you were.

I wouldn't feel too bad, your mom is just being momish, chances are she did the same thing when she was younger..just explain to her that you are responsible, you know your limits, and you dont do it often
and yeah, try not to get caught next time :)

Well, you should feel guilty. Drinking underage isn't just a stupid rule saying that kids can't drink. When teenagers drink, it affects them more severely than when adults drink, because teenagers are still growing. It affects your growing, and how your brain and body work. You should feel guilty, because having too much alcohol can lead to coma or death. Drinking is wrong. Sometimes I feel that it is even wrong for adults to drink it. All it does is mess around with your health. It doesn't even taste good. It makes you drunk and unhealthy, and it's effects of the brain and body is important, because here are some examples:
Loss of coordination
Poor judgment
Bad reflexes

I'm not saying you shouldn't drink anymore, I am saying that drinking is bad. Think about the oppurtunities and make your choice. Hopefully you make the right choice...

a little bit. but we all make mistakes.

You didn't say how old you were, how much was consumed, but by everyone else and the amount of empties.
That would what I would judge you on, and I will not speak against your mother.
Respect her, and for goodness sake speak to her first.

I don't drink, but I am not against anyone who does. I feel that an age is put on drinking because they feel that younger individuals will not be mature enough to control themselves. But I was just as mature at 20 (when it's illegal) as I was when I was 21 (now legal). To be honest, I was more mature than more adults when I was in high school. I am now 23 and still choose not to drink. Not because it's bad, but because I personally dont like the taste. However, not everyone is like me.

What I'm trying to say is that I dont think drinking is bad for younger ages if they are mature enough to handle it. By handle it, I mean knowing when to stop and not doing crazy things when you are drunk. However, it is the law... and although the law may be stupid at time, you still are required to follow it or face the consequences.

drinking underage is wrong. its bad. no no. if you have a car you should be smart enough to know, if its a law, its there for a reason! how would you feel if you killed somebody?!? we have laws to protect people. think about it.. your drunk, because you thought it was cool, because you were out partying with some gay losers, (who by the way girls HATE) and you hit another car, because your drunk. your killing an innocent person, taking them away from their families, when they didn't do anything wrong, and your ruining your life. that's like, 30 years in prison. although it was only "a couple buddies with a couple beers and it was only a sleepover" next time it'll only be driving drunk. "oh it'll never happen to me I'll never drink and drive" well if it doesn't happen to you who does it happen to? and just remember.. it happens to the smartest kids. by drinking underage your hurting yourself and those around you. your mother is freaking out because she cares about you. she doesn't want you getting hurt, or hurting anyone else. but kid, come on.. I'm 12 years old.. and it's not that hard to figure out!

You did the right and wrong.You did the right thing by staying where you were and not driving.But you did the wrong thing by drinking 1 beer fine but 2 no way.

You are getting some really good advice with these answers. Drinking is such a negative thing to do anyway. You may find that out the hard way some day. Find some positive things to do with your time.

Well all kinds of thangs can go wrong if you are an underage dranker. Unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted desease, Guilt, ok forget guilt. Also the law will creat a record on you if you get busted. You could get alcohol poisoning if you over indulge or do the redneck thang and say hay yall watch this and chug a quart of 151 rum or see how many yagermeisters you can drank . I was a teen once and it is a thrill being young dumb and full of love making potential. Drinking can make you feel 10 feet tall. It can turn a grapefruit into a peach. I once had a friend tell me the very worst sex he ever had was wonderful! What I am trying to say is when you drink as a teen all kinds of stuff happens. Be careful out there. If you can you needs to chill and layoff the stuff,keep a level head.
Be excellent to yourself and Party on dude!

look teenagers drink and do other things sometimes but your just haveing fun your mom is just worried because she wants to see you do nothing but succeed in life .. but remember she was young at one time also you would be surprised at some things she might have done

Well since you are talking like a responsible person I would say your mother need not be freaked out so much. I hope you remain as responsible and respect the laws and do not drink till you come to age.

Yea as long as you are not driving I really do not see any harm in it. Do NOT drink and drive though....ever. Trust me it is really not worth it.

yes it is wrong,as it is unhealthy for underage!but you should have not freaked out your mom like that.tell her that you will not get addicted.

U should, Even though I started drinking when I was 14. I turned out just fine!!

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